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*Note: This episode begins with a "cold open" with the full crew behind Kliq This, chatting it up about March Madness, RAW, Mania and more. To skip ahead to the start of the regular episode, go to the 34:15 mark. 

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On this episode of Kliq This, Kevin and Sean discuss a wide-range of topics including  Andy Kaufman in the WWE HOF, who's NOT in the Hall of Fame, best present, March Sadness, Sunny, Warrior and much more!

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I've been paying attention to Kevin's thoughts and opinions on everything working out. So far, so good. He hasn't said anything I haven't agreed with yet. I think the closest he came was when somebody asked him about 100 rep scheme. That's where you do 100 reps with light weight. Like he said, you have to take short rest periods. The only thing I want to add about this is there are better alternatives, these days. High density training involves doing multiple sets with very low rest periods. Doing one set to 20-25 reps and stopping just short of failure, resting about ten seconds and doing as many sets as you can, stopping just short of failure again and going on like that until you hit a certain number of reps in as many sets as it takes is a better alternative. I do these now. I usually aim for 50 total reps. Get ready for some serious cramps if you've never done these before. The 100 rep thing is kind of like German volume training. In German volume trainng, you pick a weight you can do ten sets of ten reps with a very short rest period between and stick to that very short rest period. Stuff like this used to work well because bodybuilders usually don't do anything in this rep range. I won't waste either of our time trying to explain this further but Brad Schhoenfeld is a great believer in and source of information on these lower rep ranges. They don't have as much growth potential as some of the other rep ranges. But you're still limiting yourself and your total growth potential if you don't do them ever. I know some of yo like to workout. If that segment of the podcast piqued your interest, I'd look for more info from Brad.


Grrrrrrreat edit 👌🏻