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Who has the greatest wrestling entrance song of all-time...is up to YOU as we're down to the ELITE 8 in our inaugural Entrance Music Madness tournament!

Voting is now underway through tonight at midnight! Fill out the four Round 4 brackets below to help decide the Final Four!

Vote: WWE 2000's Bracket Edge v. HHH 

Vote: WWE 80-90s Bracket  Austin v. Hulk Hogan 

Vote: ECW/AEW/WCCW Bracket Sandman v. CM Punk 

Vote: WCW/AEW Bracket nWo v. Ric Flair 




Where is midnight express?


Ric Flair gotta win. Nothing starts like his


Hollywood Blondes theme should have been on here, as it was the most requested theme back in the 90's during my trading theme music days. But Steve Austin's glass shatter I think wins it all.