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So, I've been (not so) steadily working on Metal Sonic. Here's a little WIP pic for you guys

I'm still hashing out how to do his forehead, but other than that I think it's been going well. One part I was totally unsure about (because of the lack of colored reference) was the back of the torso. The shapes are all good but the colors were a mystery, so I decided to ask Tyson Hesse (artist on Sonic Mania) and he replied!

So, now I know how to handle that. Very kind of him to help me out like that. Thanks Mr. Hesse!

Anyway, the plan is still, of course, to get this out there before the end of August. I'll probably need one or two more texturing sessions at most before we're done with him so stay tuned!

I wonder what I should cook up for next month...


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