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So for this month I'm going to release a high quality Metal Sonic model!

A WIP image! I'm going to try and match the style of the Heavy Gunner model. I'll try to make a small tutorial out of it for all patrons as well. While modeling I've been recording all the footage so you guys can expect stuff like that up here too. Twitter for some more pics: https://twitter.com/HeatPhoenix/status/1028127979388461056

Lastly, here's a question for $6 patrons: 

- If I were to upload recorded footage of me modeling various models, would you prefer sped-up timelapses or the at actual speed (even if that means uploads of several gigabytes per model?).

Lemme know in the comments or in a discord DM or whatever you want!



sped up, but slow it down a bit for key parts?