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...There's a brief tense moment where both parties pause before they drop their weapons, but as Sophia's greatsword clatters to the ground the Black she-Orc drops the knife held to the prince's throat, and nods again to the rest of her band of bandits who all drop or sheath their weapons both groups breathe a sigh of relief. The Black Orc nods yet again with a short command huffed out in her native tongue, and the others (still nude) are let go to rejoin Sophia and the Farmer, though the massive Orc lady holds on to the prince.

There is another pause as both parties stare each other down, assessing the situation and wondering what either will do or say next.

"How did you know the man you're holding is a prince?"

It is knight Sophia who speaks up first, her question lingering in the air while the other party takes their time before answering, the farmer and his family looking back and forth between the prince and Sophia with wide eyes, her question confirming the Black Orc's earlier statement. When finally the huge woman opens her mouth to tell her tale.

It was years ago that the perverted dark mage and his minions Sophia slew just days before first took up the remnants of the old fortress as their home, decades even. Uncomfortably close to the capital, about a week and a day of travel away from it Orc presence was thin, most bands were small enough to conspicuously travel around, and none stayed long.

But as their then small tribe was travelling through that part of the land, they found themselves under attack by the demented wizard, and several of their members were taken, not to be seen for months until eventually found outside of the keep, their bodies warped and misshapen. And very dead. Even the magically inept Orcs could smell the stink of magical experimentation on them.

They had tried to attack the place of course, steal their valued friends and family members back, but to no avail. None could best the Wizard, and his minions were too numerous to cut through to even reach him.

So they mourned their dead, buried the bodies as per Orcish customs and tried to move on.

No sooner had they buried their dead when they were again attacked by the wizard, and again some of them were taken captive. Now knowing it was impossible for them to get them back, they packed up and left, not wanting to risk more of them kidnapped and experimented on. On their trek away from the accursed land that caused them such grief, they came upon... another Orcish tribe, one whose fate was much the same as their own.

They decided to band together, even with their missing members, with both tribes banding together they would be stronger and more numerous than they had been on their own. And one last time attempt an assault and to free their companions.

The wizard had at this point grown rather annoyed at the Orcs, they did not particularly take well to his experimentations, and they kept trying to attack the place to get their kidnapped tribe members back. Mid-battle the wizard strode forward towards the attacking Orc horde, their blows against him bouncing off his magical wards, and offered them a deal, explaining some of his plans to them.

He had come across some ancient, forbidden knowledge, he at first did not say where he came upon this lore. But if he understood it correctly, he theorized he could solve and cure many ailments and imperfections that befell the lesser races. But he needed subjects to test his theories on. So here was his deal: stop attacking his keep, and help supply him with test subjects, in return, he would stop raiding their camps and, eventually, they would be the first to benefit from his experimentations.

The Orcs were not convinced, there was no guarantee that he would succeed in whatever it was that he was attempting to cure or fix, and they were planning on leaving anyway if they could not get their stolen tribe-members back. So the dark mage proved it to them, some of the safer concoctions, early tries from before he had even arrived to his new fort, magical supplements that he took himself, were offered. And to prove he wasn't offering them poison, he took some himself, then ordered one of his minions to step forward and take some too. When the hooded figure strode forward, and cast down her robe, they were greeted with a magnificent sight. Long slender legs, thick shapely thighs, wide hips, perfect, round buns, a waspish thin waist, and breasts the size of her own head. When she took a swig of the potion, and her proportions ballooned out even more, they were quickly convinced.

They were even more convinced when the wizard hiked his robes up and a massive, one-and-a-half foot long cock sprung up, and the eager minion sunk to her knees in front of him to effortlessly take his girth down her throat, until her perfect plump lips were pressed to his groin and her saliva ran down his ballsack...

Hey all,

Told ya there'd be reveals and sex.

Well, only a little bit of sex for now, but from where I'm pausing I'm sure you can surmise the bulk of the smut will come next time.

Also earlier today I got a bit of a scare where for some reason I couldn't upload pictures to Patreon, at all. But after a couple hours of waiting and a pc reset I decided to chance it again.

Looks like it's working now, I hope this doesn't happen again, and that if it does it's a temporary issue again because this Patreon page is going to be a very barren place indeed if I can't upload.

SoCarter out.



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