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Hey all,

So after last week was a bit packed, what with catching up on the week before, starting late in the week because life, and then deciding to instead of doing another quick sketch for the "fourth" slot to make a full size pin-up as a little bonus, I decided to take Monday and Tuesday off, making this upload a tiny little bit later than it could have been.

I would have uploaded it earlier today, but I had to work so now it's in the evening. (or closer to night-time because turned out I had much more to say about this one than I initially thought.)

And after last week's first double-up on franchises we go back to a new property: Starcraft.

Which in a way makes it kind of a pseudo double-up on franchises if one wants to be a*al about it. But I feel that that would be unfair to the franchise, because despite its origins and sharing a collections of traits with the original, Starcraft really is plenty different from Warhammer 40K.

That's right, those familiar with either franchise might be familiar with this story, but Starcraft, owned by Blizzard, and same with its fantasy counterpart Warcraft, were originally going to be Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy pc games. 

Eventually the deal fell through for both companies, but by that point both games were well into production and Blizzard did not want to throw the work, money, and effort already put into them away. So they changed the settings of the games, replacing them with their own original ones. Though their origins could not be completely erased, which is why the three prominent factions in Starcraft, Terrans, Protoss, and the Zerg, share many similarities with Space marines, Eldar, and Tyranids.

This led to a rather annoying period where Starcraft became far more well known to the general public than Warhammer 40K, leading many who first learned of 40K to think it was some ripoff of Starcraft. And for many years exasperated Warhammer fans had to explain to people that Tyranids predated the Zerg by a couple of decades.

The Protoss on the other hand only resemble the Eldar in that they are an ancient civilization that predates humanity with some magical powers. Because Eldar are space elves, and Protoss are... well... Just look at her. It's got more in common look-wise with the Tau than the Eldar. But even then no one would mistake one for, or think either is a ripoff of the other.

The Protoss are subsequently Humanoid Aliens, one might tack on the tentaclehead category, but that one is chiefly reserved for Aliens who are, aside from the tentacles sticking out of their scalp instead of hair, completely built like humans, superficially at least. I have no idea how the inner organs of Togruta, Asari, or Twi'lek work or look like.

Standard lewdifications of course apply.

Socarter out.

ps: a*al is also apparently a no-no word.

 (quick fix: for some reason I kept spelling their name as "prodoss" VERY consistently) 



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