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Going to go with a mixture of the college with K-2003 in the back drop, and the city at large to this dance club "The Hub" that has been out for a bit.  This will be expanding the hub, and at the end of the story establishing a second HUB in another major city.  

I'll be establishing the current state of the dance club positions new members will take.  Bar scene, dancers, security (you may request that be your end result and color to represent you and designation, I think they have that).

First few chapters just establishing the situation, those going to the club, having a good time.  Discovering what the club represents to the world, before getting new employees.  The first 1-2 will be hired, the latter 3 we'll do capturing.



Would a synth fit as a cameo?


Not yet in the time line. I'd consider that advanced Space faring tech, which the Toys-4-U universe during this moment, isn't there yet.


I can throw in my horse/unicorn/pokemon, if nothing else