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Gavin Daniels

Let’s goooooo!!! Horimiya hype!!!!

Gavin Daniels

Had to come back later and finish that post-discussion and man were y’all cooking 😂

Nicholas Wilhelm

The reason why Izumi is trying to keep covered is just because he'll get in trouble at school if anyone saw his tattoos.

dani oz

Feels like season 1 was the "rom" part focussing on progressing the story and they left out most of the "com" part lol

Anthony Nguyen

Your after credits discussion about male bonding was very raw lmao, you guys were totally not on the same page and it showed haha


I love how we get to see the Miyamura and Sengoku relationship develop in these episodes. I mean, it all started with The Headbutt and Sengoku being absolutely terrified of Miyamura. 😄


Miyamura picking on Sengoku's fear of ghosts in order to get the win was both genious and underhanded. 😂