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1:04 "NaH LeE, yOu doN'T eVEn uDerStaND" I'm a seasoned anime watcher and will let you know the facts 😏


lees sweating bullets fearing for kushidas expulsion lol and horikita pulling the "nah id win" on dragon boi but shes so incompetent he installed fear and uncertainty on her ass lol

UltrA_ Ojisan

FYI not sure if anyone said but the guy sakayanagi wants to expel is the bald 30 yr old looking dude in her class. i know there alot of names so i had to check myself.


Virgin american logic vs Chad japan logic where the rules are stricter.


Damn this school is trash. It reminds me of the bullshit the school in Assassination Classroom did to Class E when they didn't fail like they wanted them too. Why is it so bad for the underdogs to succeed so much? 🥺


The school president is a walking L


So Ichinose is officially a whore Lmao