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I heard adorkalbe at that size telling to choke out a bear. Well if read on news girl tried choking bear and died, we know who it was. Just joking around =)

Black Hawk

Time stamp 7:09 adorablenerd saying "choke hold" was on point but a little early b4 the snake 😂


Adding on to the “joke,” there’s specific bears anything like that works with; polar, grizzly, and brown are Not them.


damn you guys were extra passionate[genuine] , made the reaction 1000% better

Alan Uribe

Nah the VA in the Booth going crazy!!!

Black Hawk

End discussion was hyped


Thanks for the drop, the series seems pretty solid far as I can tell. and Lol@"let it cook"


That was that “Last Dragon Glow”!!


13:35 When you're surrounded, use Whirlwind. XD 22:42 Really gives a new meaning to "choking your snake." 30:11 What is this, DanMachi? Jin Woo got Liaris Freese? 36:22 Matrix reference!

Toan Greenlow

This show I've definitely been waiting for after hearing how good the Manwa was. I'm SO excited it's my favorite anime in a very long time

Randy Cooper

I really hope Adorkable never comes face to face with a bear. 😂

Randy Cooper

23:20 there's a joke somewhere here. 🤔 choking the snake bare handed? C'mon!?!? 😂


Holy shit I was watching NBA game and watching this between timeouts. But who put that edit of Black "Mic" between Cha's butt on the background that is going overboard. YBRL check your video :D

Lazzie Boi

I love Lee just sitting to the side smiling during the discussions 😂.


There was a part they cut from the manhwa where he learns that the creatures in these instant dungeons don't behave like creatures they follow predetermined moves like they where from a game.

Kershel charles

lmaoo Lee really had me all hype and excited with him at the end during his narration.

Osiris Cage



To clear it up a bit, he didn't beat a C ranked boss liked what is commented on at the end. Rankings are on a ranged scale (ie. Song having 10 magic power when measured at hospital but most E ranks having at least 70). So the snake he beat was stronger in that it put out slight more magic power and had a wider move set. In that it's fast, has high defense, strong, and can inflict paralysis with it's bite. While the Golem was just strong with high defense.

Sharles Davis Kendy

I'm trying to figure out how this man out here dodging and doing backflips with 10 Agility...

Juan Genao

I was bit skeptical when this anime was discussed since the manhwa was so epic when it was out. so far i have enjoyed it and hope they can keep the same energy throughout. Props to the voice actor he nailed it. also guys dont try to choke out bears they have hands with claws that will rip your arms apart lol .still give u the props for calling it, i laughed knowing how he'd eventually defeat the snake


Lmao. I don’t think fighting a BEAR by choking it us a good idea but I will go along with it to hype up adorkable. She always got some idea like that. More fun to go with it lol. #Chunibiyo.


Start the reaction and director already indirectly calling my ass out for the dark souls "player" lol


I even know how to do certain glitches in dark souls 1, for example, where you can get almost an infinite amount of souls to level up your character to max


The one thing I was worried about with this series is just the animation and fight choreography. This series is based so much around the fights and looking cool and power ups that I was genuinely worried they wouldn't do it justice. If they keep this up like they did with this episode I will be happy. One thing I do think is a slight issue and might always be an issue is the panels showing all of his gaming stats and other stuff. I can see it being annoying to have to potentially pause or go back and read those panels that are shown fairly quickly. In the manwha it is easy because you are reading the series and have the chapter show you the panel without having to keep up a certain momentum like with the anime for the episode to continue.


Anime pacing is too slow. How many season will it take this to the end man


for me anime pacing is fine, building up the story, but as a reader I want more because s1 is only 12 episodes and I cant wait for more lol


So far the man character is doing it right. You want to focus on leveling up your primary stat and then your secondary for when you start seeing diminishing returns on the primary. If you focus on multiple, it usually leads to a weaker character that isn’t optimized. If he starts putting a bunch of stats in different areas this show will lose some points.


And that has anything to do with my worries because?


17 chapters adapted in 4 episodes+ the anime gave some anime only additional content and the guy says it is slow lmao. At this pace they could finish the series and all the side stories in less than 50 episodes, so 2 seasons.


I mean...if you haven't done ANY of the Dark Souls 1 Challange runs can you even call yourself a gamer? I don't think so. Git Gut, you deam casual! PS. That being said, attempt nr. 1537 of "Souls God Run" failed at O&S #FuckingGlitchedSlide took me by suprice :C


I'm a little bummed they didn't use the frame from the manhwa where Jinwoo was in the dungeon and looked over his shoulder all menacing like at the Lycans. That was such a cool panel. It really illustrated that shift in his mentality. I think they were trying to hold out on that character shift until the boss though, so I'm not mad at it. Still would have been cool though.

Lee Coleman

I'm sorry Lee I'll send you the screen shot on discord but as you all talking at the end I couldn't focus. The mick above you and the pic of the back drop looks so wrong. But good reaction

Lee Coleman

Also I should say this but the VA was so into this. In that fight they did amazing job. Wouldn’t surprise me if they are a fan of solo levelling


In an interview with the director, he said that during the recording of this session, the VA was literally coughing up blood, he went so hard.

Ed Hwang

Just my take. I am personally capable of performing feats of agility. Jump a hurdle, dodge a tackle, etc...sometimes It's my lack of strength that fails to get me over the hurdle, or fast enough to move away from a tackle. STR is a necessary attribute for success. He needed to max out using all 10 of his AGI to accomplish what he did. And was still working from a position disadvantage. Also, 10 would still be, IMO what an elite normal human can achieve. Normal person like me, is probably more like a 5, in this world. So he should be able to dodge trash mobs to a degree. If we could see how he matched up against regular humans, not monsters or other hunters,... and I have now over thought this...


Yeah idk whats there to argue. Im just expressing my anxiousness to see more lol

Chris Cheung

Just a small clarification ... Jinwoo didn't choked the snake to death, if you look at the neck of the snake, he literally killed it by ripping out it's throat with his bare hands

Casper Ghost

8:00 just as a PSA bears can run almost silently at over 35mph for nearly a mile; Usain Bolt tops out at 25 for 100 yards. Running just entices their prey drive, its the worst thing you can do. The rule of thumb is; If its black fight back, if its brown get down, and if its white then suicide.


Thats his speed when not fleeing from his enemy. He gets a 5x boost when fight or flight effect is triggered