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Ranginald Vagel

Seems unfair that they didn't mention the Deadervants' magic immunity until one guy fell victim to it lol. Half his fault for thinking shit would be easy and jumping the gun but still


I like it when Mash names his fighting techniques/moves magic. I wanted Mash to say "Breakdance Magic" then name the technique something like tornado, cyclone, tempest, or whirlwind before popping the balloon.


I immediately thought of the Battle Nexus from TMNT.


We got a bunch of banger episodes this week. The more I watch mashle the more I love it. The comedy is perfect in my opinion. Do not understand the people who say the comedy is bad. Like wtf is comedy to you at that point? lol


I agree Finn is definitely a coward but I am waiting to see what he can pull off because as far as I remember he has always played so much of the "coward" character that we haven't even seen his magic. I am either expecting him to be super powerful like his brother or he has a very specific type of magic that works in a way that is actually overpowered in certain circumstances. Cause that tends to be the thing where the cowardly character that doesn't do anything ends up being overpowered in some type of way. Although with this series they can pull off anything from out of their ass and its gonna be used for comedy. So I don't know. I haven't read the manga so no spoiling please.


Pretty cool how that OP is going mainstream viral. It’s a bop.