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One thing I noticed is that back in the fight with Viktor, he is figuring out the Unions abilities and all, calling them nicknames. But he says Juiz’s name directly


So, I thought the blonde woman on the boat in the first outro looked like Unjustice and now with that scene in the beginning plus the shot of her with Victor in the new outro... hmmm...

mitch anderson

What is with these negators and killing their parents???


I'm just noticing that both of their organizations name's start with "Un". The (Un)ion and (Un)der. Funny enough Un spelled backwards is NU


A sad story? Let me guess you killed your parents too? But how did YOU do it? In traffic? *cuts to intersection* HERE WE GO!

The Law_v1001

Don't know why but if someone told me this story ends with the world turning into fire forces universe and that turns into soul eaters I wouldn't be surprised

Crowne Pri

DN's greatest enemy, UnNasty