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Ethan Castillo

benimaru got out of the fire force and started to cook and play video games

Calvin Edwards Jr

This channel is awesome. I would've never seen an anime this good, without sub'n. Bought the manga too.

Randy Cooper

Damn, throwing 8 reactions at us like it ain't nothing!?!?

R'ja Norr

Poor Chii. Soo small and soo clueless to what's going on around her. I think she is more clueless than even Ichi. At least Yamada's other friends know the score and are with it.


LOL Love your reactions!!

Mikal Adkins

Boyfriend-kun is oblivious to everything going on in her friend group. Lol


i love the dynamic background lol


Mom looked like she Kabedon'd Ichikawa when she touched Dad's shoulder...


That moment when they were all on the sofa and Yamada behind Ichikawa with her arms around him playing the game with her dad...family portrait with future son in law! 🥰

Deonta Kilpatrick

White day is a good day in America 🤣


Wishing pain and misery to all cheaters


Our boy Ichikawa will look like Yamada's Dad in a few years, mark my words, lol. He's still a growing teen. Yamada's Dad is very much like him, but intimidating, haha