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I'm so happy you guys watched this too! Love this show a lot

John Ng

Lol luckily I’m not one of those who spoils Lee with Yamada’s feet 🤣 Obviously this isn’t an OVA like other OVAs, thus there’s no swimsuit nor beach scene. But time still flies with the bonus scenes. Just showed us how enjoyable this series is.


The moment I saw that last bonus scene I thought of Lee, even though it was a tame scene. I think we've just been trained like that watching your reactions. That's also why I didn't comment about it. If I said something like: "there's a special scene for Lee", everyone would know it was about feet.


I think these are all mini-stories that happened in the manga that were 1-2 page stories.


I just realized when watching the red dress he was looking at is the same one that was in is imagination of her ordering food.

Deonta Kilpatrick

It won't fit... It'll fit if we keep trying 🥴🫣😂