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mitch anderson

Let's GOOOO. Lots of interesting characters in the new op

Black Hawk

Time stamp 19:48 "They got me" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


29:20 "Deeeee" Lee what the hell, I almost spat out my drink

Osiris Cage

15:05 - Maomao really thought she was getting all that attention cause of Jinshi. She really doesn't realize how beautiful she really is and it's heartbreaking

John Ng

Just like to point out that Jinshi is full on simping on Maomao in that ED 😂


It's crazy how easy they make this show more interesting and it was amazing from the start love the reaction have been excited since i saw the episode. Also at 17:17 i think the reason she looks at him is because he gave her the nickname so he has most likely spread it to the attentant :)


At first I assumed he was making her secretary for her to have real reason there. But at the same time they said it gives higher status to females too, so I would assume the ultimate goal is to raise her standings in royal court so he can actually try marrying her. Think he can't do it now as she is basically peasant/servant class.


I love how jinchi just assumed Maomao would pass the exam no problem. She gives too shits about politics like that. 🤣