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Peak season



Alan Uribe

Imposter Geto up to some fudgery!

Kevon, The Lord of Slimes

One of Gege (creator of jjk) inspirations was bleach. With how central 46 worked in bleach and their bad decisions like keeping kenpachi from learning kendo from old man yama and other dumb decisions before Aizen murdered them. You can see why the jujutsu government in jjk are either self centered or very dumb.


You are my special <3

Lazzie Boi

Heard steins gate dub second and I think it's better than the jp version.


Im glad yuta is back, the OG protag


We actually don't know the name of the brain curse/entity in Geto's head yet, so you aren't forgetting anything


What a cliffhanger to end the season on!


Imagine the Global freakout of the reveal of Cursed Spirits and Cursed Energy!

Gavin Daniels

Been one hell of ride. Every since reading the manga (cuz I couldn’t escape the spoilers and said fuck it) I’ve been looking forward to y’all’s reactions. Can’t wait for next season as well. Hoping the animators get a break after all the controversies going on but we’ll see


Lmao, not yall theorizing about the hungry little girl that Yuta saved. 😂


I just saw a hungry little girl, 15 mins later I now see Eleven from stranger things.


Going back to Season 1, The higher ups in jujutsu society are pretty corrupt, which is why Gojo always bumped heads with them. Remember at one point he mentioned thinking about killing all of the higher ups but they would just be replaced with more of the same. So they used this situation to “get rid of” Gojo and do everything they wanted to do that he was preventing when he was around, like Yuji’s execution.

The Law_v1001

I hated this season and loved it too. Way to many known characters died for me but we'll see.


Is it just me, or has the blond been narrating this whole time? Is it the same VA?

Neo Don

Great season reaction this year

God Enel

I think she was traumatized, yuta says she must have walked a long time. Either she killed her family or the curses did. Seemed to be starving how she scarfing down floor food. Like kid shigaraki, just wandering.

God Enel

but yea she has new powers and got there somehow i guess lol


I'm not 100% sure if she has any powers, she could just be like Junpei pre-brainmodding, where he was able to see Mahito despite not having the brain of a Curse User, but having the energy capacity to be able to perceive them, just unable to use CT because of the lack of hardware to control said energy (said hardware being the brain of course)


Interesting season, now to wait years for the next one.