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Regarding the ending discussion about the best shooter losing their sight, ironically, Steph Curry can barely see without contacts and that came on right around his ascent to the top of basketball.


I think the blind guy is something like "unmiss" idk

mitch anderson

Wait I thought they took a break this week lol. And my pirate site doesn't have the episode 💀💀 so I compete missed this

The Law_v1001

Y'all been watching to much JJK. The second her background came out. Damn she died. 😂 JJK giving everyone PTSD.

Neo Don

Welp can’t say bust it down Tatiana, but now you can say bust the room down Tatiana 😂


Speaking of, since only the skin & hair areas generate the field, isn't her ability full of weakpoints in addition to the mouth area? Theoretically nostrils & ears too, but also you could prolly surprise shank her a la the good ol' ninja tactic of "poisoned spear thru the asshole while on the shitter" tactic, which has been used at least a few times by ninja to assassinate lord niggas back in the day