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worst of evil ep 1 uncut


Just Chilline

The guy you are "recognising" from bloodhounds is actually in Squid Game, he was the cop who snuck into the games and got killed by his brother.


the MAIN actor is actually from K2 / HEALER a lot of ppl in the past have recommended you these classics. they are action and romance combined and very recommended in the community sadly obv we never got to see them but maybe in the future :D


also the other guy in the poster isnt from blood hound just to let you know ahha he is in squid game tho

Randy Cooper

2:17 I'm laughing my ass off right now! Just how he said it. "I don't wanna be here." 😂 🤏😶‍🌫️🤣


Lol that’s not the actor from Bloodhounds. He’s from Squid Game as the cop infiltrating to find his brother. He’s also from from Little Women which Idk if you guys watched yet since I just subscribed to y’all patreon


That joke about finding similar person as Director in a bar was funny :D