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Episode 2 so fast. Let’s go. Merry Christmas 🎁

R'ja Norr

This is a like a modern Japanese version of 1984.


what in the world was that opening LMAO


Didn't expect ep 2 so soon! Merry Christmas!


I love that you guys saw the social commentary in this. Not everyone really connects it, and misses a whole facet of this particular anime gem.


I really hope they get the dub at some point. The jokes just hit so much harder


Yea definitely. I’ll check out some scenes later. We chose the sub because the performance hits much harder for us. Thanks for recommending that too

Alan Uribe

When the father was protesting I had flashbacks to "D!#&s out for harambe"


Really sad the VA who voices Anna has died, I really liked her VA in this and some other anime she managed to do.

John Ng

She's the reason Anna made Shimoneta a success. Without Anna, by ep 5/6 the story started to feel a bit stale. Imo Anna brought life to the story and continues to carry the show till the end.


Agree fully this show would be nothing without Anna =)

Casper Ghost

It was mostly based on Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 with some other stuff sprinkled in.

Casper Ghost

The dub actors for this one are really solid; one of the best dub's I've seen in terms of performance quality and translating the emotion from the subbed.

John Ng

I think everyone who remembers the show, remembers Anna. She represented the best of yandere girls everyone dreams of.


Nah, this shit is more degenerate than DxD, i think i like it xD


Towards the end that chick painting or whatever said "Kore wa, kore wa" or "This is, this is" , kinda like saying "what do we have here?"