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TFW there's apparently a Bitch in every country, at least based on the ending visual w/ the bitchy looking beastperson w/ red hair


Yeah, ngl this really got me pumped for season 3, thanks for the drop yall!


Definitely said to be careful around her if he wants to marry Raphtalia because if he mistreats her she would fuck him up

TheMonarch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-26 15:15:24 This truly was the fall of the shield hero yet again.
2023-12-26 00:23:42 a step up from season 2 for sure.

a step up from season 2 for sure.

The Law_v1001

I think the reason she didn't say anything about raph is because the threat level of telling people that raph is royalty was greater than the odds that she would wear that garb.