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Ah, the good Old "Deus Ex lvl 20NPC showing up"


So because goblin slayer lives with the farmer she doesn’t count in rankings and holds that over everyone in the series head. I still feel like the archer can enter but she’s so free with her life she’s not looking for love


Goblin Slayer is just good, think you guys are overthinking it!


Gonna add, there is an anti-Semitic link with calling someone a goblin, so no problem here but I wouldn't be flippantly using it even as a joke outside of reacting to this show.


one must imagine goblin slayer happy

Jazzy Jinx

So many ways you can take the "Nothing will change" line. I took it as he was worried that he won't change if he keeps his mentality the same and when he looked at Cow Girl he lamented that their relationship won't take the next step either. Highly doubt GS is so dense he doesn't understand her feelings and I think there are enough hints that he reciprocates them. Just that he's too broken right now that he's not ready to be normal and happy. After all, "his sister couldn't get married because of him". It's like he's punishing himself for that by not making things official with Cow Girl.




Hey Barry while its good I didn’t connect with it as much season one as I did season two. so I’m just conveying my feelings about that


Ah that's fine Lee, I misunderstood the opening talk clearly.


I am just talking off the dome. Its more that i am unprepared than over thinking. Most of what i say is off the dome and not always delivered the best to be understood vs when i do a rant video where i already thought clearly on what i wanted to convey. So its a skill to keep practicing is all

Daniel Borrego

i believe that they thought she joined a nunnery because of what the goblins did to her. that seems to be what happens a lot of the time to the victims. thats why they looked sad when she first mentioned the princess was becoming a follower of the earth mother.

Alan Uribe

The "leaving bibles on dead bodies" line at the end had me weak lmao.

Kendall DeSouza

"I dont know what is right but I know what I must do. That's all there is." chills bro


Thanks for this series reaction. Please watch Under Ninja.

Casper Ghost

Scaly's a beast; 'You want us dead then send the damn meteor!'

Casper Ghost

I think what he meant when he said he couldn't walk the same path as the girls was that he couldn't get over what the goblins did like they had. All three of them have moved past what happened to them to some degree but he can't stop killing goblins because he can't get over it and he doesn't want the goblins to ruin his life again.


Was a fun season, finally managed to watch all of your GS reactions, had couple episodes missing. Swordmaiden still the woman of my dreams forever, she is just a unit. I think the army in this last episode she brought (male&female) were all survivors of badly gone goblin encounter so they all had that hatred in them to kill goblins. It was said in season 1 that usually people who survived and didn't off themselves joined the priesthood.