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The love interest reminds me a lot of Orihime. Of course you know me. I got to show that Orihime supremacy. This girl looks slightly similar, acts slightly similar, and has tig ol bitties like orihime does as well. Literally nearly the same type of personality as her. I would not be able to look past her like the MC does. I would give her my full attention.


She's got some Tig Ol Bitties! She really is the VR version of Orihime, except even shyer lol. Except she has no problem Fighting head on instead of healing people :D

John Ng

Glad that Lee is still reacting to SLF even though he don’t feel any big plot from it. I feel that some people don’t give this anime enough credit just because this is only a “hack-and-slash” type of anime. Imo, I don’t need all dope anime to be full of plots and “plots”. Sometimes an anime that does it’s job in being entertaining and letting us sit and enjoy it for what it is without any pretense is enough. And SLF is definitely one of those that does it’s job well entertaining us. Thank you Lee.

Alan Uribe

I love the little detail with Emul yelling Sunraku's name everytime he dies; It's a reference to every game where there's an NPC that reacts to your death the same way lol.


we got some thirsty reactors here lol.


usually the biggest problem in MMOs with higher lvl mobs is ur chance to hit goes down. Could be why its just Survive


That "twerk" adorkable finds weird is shoulder stretch which is a real thing.