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damn, I missed 100 episodes?

Josh Wright

Anyone else have to come to the painful realisation this is the last episode through comments because u were ignorant and assumed it was 20 episodes like last season


Yeah cid has magic. He pulled out a slime crowbar to beat the dudes down at the end


let's gooo, next arc would be covered in a movie, it got announced


They changed how they met from the manga/ln but I really like how they handled it this episode



Lord Precht

You’re not alone dude. It didn’t hit me until the season 1 opening started playing at the end and I was like FUUUUCCCKKK!!😭😂


Triple isekai never been done

Kevin Baker

I wish we had 112 eps of this masterpiece.

Kevin Baker

The Familiar of Zero anime did it too I think. Dude came back w/ a fighter jet iirc. Been a while.

TAC Genesis

If you thought Cid was OP in the other world, he's got to be a God on earth at this point bruh

Jazzy Jinx

Now that Cid is back in the modern world, he can face his one true nemesis once and for all: a Nuke!


Wow. I am way behind. This is episode 112? I need to catch up.

Black Hawk

Time stamp 4:19 " I'm American bra" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Adorkable repping being an American and nothing else. Full respect to her. I mean maybe you can't really compare but I know one side of my family was apparently something like royalty in Germany back in the day. The other side of my family I am not sure. I don't really have much connection to the German culture. I think my grandparents were born in America so its been a while for us. I honestly just rep being an American cause at least I have freedom right now and privileges. I didn't get any wealth or power from my German royalty ancestors so fuck em. I understand pride in your culture and ancestors and country but I also just do not give a shit so I am American. No offense to anyone this is just me.


We got a movie on the way for the upcoming stuff.

The Law_v1001

36:48 I think what happened is they used a demons blood from another dimension to create the Witch of calamity. I think your right that's why the descendants are stronger. Also if Cid is able to give powers like in the other world he could create shadow garden in his OG world. They won't be as strong but by caparison to their world they'd be OP


“The Dark Knight Rises” once again upon this world. Or perhaps “Batman Returns”

dani oz

Digimon theme song playing in my head when Cid went back for some reason

Casper Ghost

Wait did Cid get re-isekaid or did Nishi get isekaid to his? The school ruins she's standing in lookin' at the moon looks like the same ruins we saw Claire in previously from the terrorist attack. I'll have to double check later.

Chris Cheung

can't wait for them to continue this in the movie ... hopefully it comes out in summer 2024

Chris Cheung

Cid got re-isekaied ... Nishino's world (the one in episode 1) suffered the after effects of the collision of the realms (most likely happened right at the moment Minoru/Cid got hit by truck-kun)


Is this season split in parts so are we getting part 2 in like January? Or was this the end of season 2 and we wait now years for season 3? I have started to love this show more with more episodes went on, I do want Cid to have actual fight. It's starting to get boring with him just bodying everybody, but I think that is the trope of the show as he is One Punch Shadow.


Well honestly it can't be called re-isekaied as he just returned to his original world. But it's clear what they talked the realms are colliding and Cid's world has magic now like Lee & Crew talked. Honestly it's 100% cult using Earth's technology to improve their our technological advantages with magic that now exist. Nishino best girl, I truly had speculation that Cid's older sister could have been Nishino reincarnated, but that was so wrong :D


this show continues to EXCEED MY EXPECTATIONS


this is the end, the next arc/story will continue as a movie which has been confirmed but no release date


It's not a version of earth. It's literally the earth cid came from. Shit kinda went down soon afer he got isekaied. Cid literally could have gotten everything he wanted in earth if it wasn't for Truck kun lmao. What went down on earth, you guys will find that out next season I guess.


That all fantasies are isekai triggered me a bit but I'm not gonna say anything haha


I will never forgive the author for dying on us without finishing it.


Yeah I guess maybe it's a misunderstanding. I was thinking about multiverses and thought you guys think it's different version than the one cid came from. Can wait to see you guys react to next season or movie whichever it will be.


Yea na the girl is literally the same girl he saved and they recognize him. Ironically “ some version of earth”. In my head sounds safe. Like i was generalizing what i saw so folks wouldn’t correct me. But ironically since i wasn’t specific. I have to be told so i know. Hahah. It doesn’t bother me it’s just funny how sometimes you just can’t win. I reiterate it’s not a problem but you took the time to explain. I’m just explaining what my approach was what the outcome was


This was a great way to end the season.

Kazuma Sato


Kazuma Sato

Ive never been more hyped for a season 3.