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jujutsu kaisen s2 ep 20 uncut

Watch "jujutsu kaisen s2 ep 20 uncut" on Streamable.



I love this show man


So peak

Patrick Rukundo

4:38 lmao nahh Lee u got expand on that

Daniel Turner

anyone spot the cheeks in todo's black flash scene with the fast images


Mahito is as close to what Sukuna defines as a true curse(think back to that scene where Sukuna gives Jogo his flowers), from what I understand and remember Jogo wanted to ensure his fellow curses survived and lived on. Jogo had a little bit more of human emotions to him and his cause which is probably why Adorkable could sympathize more with him than Mahito. Mahito seems 1 dimensional cause all he does is kill humans and the reason why he keeps saying the same thing over and over again is because Yuji fails/refuses to accept the fact that they are 2 sides to the same coin. A similar but seemingly far fetched comparison for what Yuji and Mahito stand for would be whatever happened in AOT. I feel Adorkable kinda copped out with saying that she'd never be a curse but Imma let it slide, everyone has their own opinions and viewpoints. TL/DR Mahito comes off as a villain who just kills (which could be annoying as a viewer) whereas Jogo, Dagon and Hanami seem not as bad as they had underlying motivations for what they stood for.


Yup ha. She won’t put her self in an evil position like that to see the perspective so there is a disconnect haha. But gotta respect and let it go. But you did well at explaining its dope writing when you see the full Picture. Thanks for adding


You all woulda told Nobara to stay behind too since she wasn't one of the strong guys, so don't pretend Mahito was lying!


I would've told all the second grade sorcerers and below to stay behind which honestly would've killed them all in retrospect. Only reason most of these sorcerers aren't dead is because of gojo, toji and sukuna ironically enough


I mean Nanami literally told her that he was the "bare minimum" to even be there. And he got fucked up real bad.

Calvin Edwards Jr

Yo! Rooting for Mahito is NUTS! & I LOVE IT, hahaha. I love this reaction channel. Lee's glee at the start has me DYING! Aces once again, & Director calling Sakuna - Sukihana BRAH!! Hahaha


Mahito literally is YBRL's spirit animal or could we call it his spirit curse :D


I want to hate on Mahito but why his VA so fire bro...


Does anyone know how he did the clapping without hands? 27:26 If not i am sticking to my theory that Todo can clap with his cheeks lmao

Roronoa Zoro

27:21 can anyone explain to be what the hell did todo clap with? The current idea is him clapping his cheeks. Both his hands were occupied holding the blades

Roronoa Zoro

Also remember in S1 they said after hitting a black flash sorcerers enter a mental state similar to the zone that athletes sometimes enter. They’re more focused and are able to channel cursed energy a lot easier than normal. In this episode mahito, Yuji, and Todo all hit a black flash in that order. So at the end they’re all in that mental state of the zone


The opening and ending discussions sums up the commitment section of reaction videos. Lee represents the reactors expressing their views and saying it’s okay to disagree. Adorkable represents the comments, not willing to hear out the other side.


You helped come up with a new character description for my story “ A character who chooses no sides but goes with the most interesting story. Can be convinced to betray or become an ally based on most interesting narrative” basically CID lmao


I link the sound of that. Btw how is the story coming along? Is it still in the early stages?

Casper Ghost

The purple aura on Mahito's fist is the secret technique Jogo and Gojo explained in their fight, its basically an anti-barrier I think.

Casper Ghost

Just as a refresher, Black Flash isn't charged or anything it simply requires cursed energy to be released within 1 millionth of a second of a strike which is so close nobody can really do it on command. Nanami and Itadori have thrown consecutive flashes with Nanami holding the record. Itadori's curse energy control he learned from Gojo in S-1 is actually designed to make it easier for him to land a Black Flash.

Casper Ghost

Did Adorkable really say the curses don't feel? Jogo cried when he was praised and he fought and died for his people; he was born from the fear of volcanoes but he was way more complex than that. Hanami too, she legitimately tried not to hurt people and even when she had to kill she tried to be humane; she was fighting for the ecosystem because mankind was killing the forests she was born of. Mahito was born of human's fear of each other and he's still only a year or two old so he's expected to be twisted as fuck even though he really doesn't have the same noble-ish motivations. Just saying they definitely have more complex emotions and motivations than just murder.


Very early. I slowed down to take time to learn about the concepts of writing. I always jot down notes of what I think of like I did just now but in general I’m learning how to write and writing simultaneously

Roronoa Zoro

Itadori tied nanami’s record for consecutive black flashes. He also unleashed 4 in season 1