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apacathery diaries ep 10 Uncut

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John Ng

Pure anime only here. Lee, I'm speculating about the babies with Maomao into the mix. She's 17 as given by Gaoshun this episode. Previous Prince had a "son" 17 years ago. We need to think about the reason why her "dad" was expelled. What if the current Emperor had a daughter and the previous Prince had a son and they switched the babies? Maybe for some reason they wanted to sneak the prince's son and they switched the son and daughter at birth to prevent that. Maomao may be the current Emperor's daughter and Jinshi the previous Prince's son. That's what I had if I added Maomao in.

R'ja Norr

This is one of those shows where every little detail matters :).


But the current emperor is the previous prince. Ah Duo was the current emperor's only concubine when he was the prince, hence the whole "Lishu was Ah Duo's 9-year old mother-in-law" thing.

paladar blade

From what i've gathered it happened like this Previous Emperor(loli, because of his taste in women based on concubines) had a son at the same time Ah dou had a son with the current Emperor(Mature, again based on his concubines and taste). Supposedly Mature's son died shortly after his birth, but his "brother" seems to awfully resemble to Ah dou(Mature's concubine) rather than Loli's concubine(current empress dowager who was shown doing the garden party playing with her granddaugther) assuming Jinhi is the "brother". Also Maomao's father could have been expelled to keep the switch a secret, but they couldn't execute him for reasons(?).


I thought this at first too, but now I'm not so sure. I think Jinshi is the current emperor's and Ah-Duo's son, and that he was swapped with the previous emperor's son for some reason. On that we can agree. The reason why I don't think it's MaoMao is because I think we've seen her mom. Unless her mom was a concubine and was also expelled together with MaoMao's "dad". That would actually kind of make sense. The doctor was expelled for protecting the expelled concubine or something.

John Ng

I'm willing to bet that he was expelled with some secret that he was one of those who knew, but will be deadly to those around him. And that could only mean it will affect the Emperor, and the concubine. And we know this show doesn't gives us everything at once, but dropping breadcrumbs every episode. It's waiting for us to pick it up for the big reveal. There's a rumoured "2nd Prince" at the Garden Party, who is always sick. If that's Jinshi, then the timeline doesn't makes sense for me. During the Garden Party, the girls from Gyokuyou told Maomao that the previous Emperor had 2 sons with his Empress. Meaning he is still around when his son and Ah Duo had a baby boy if based on that information. Thus why I had the idea of 2 Princes, one who's current Emperor, and the other who's constantly sick. Unless I get that information wrongly.


I agree that Jinshi is the "sick brother of the current emperor" that was supposed to be at the garden party. I also agree that he is actually the current emperor's son with Ah Duo, who was switched at birth with the current emperor's actual sibling. I just don't know if MaoMao was that sibling because then MaoMao would be Jinshi's aunt and... ew?

John Ng

You see the confusion now? If Jinshi is the "sick brother" of current Emperor, how is he also the son of current Emperor? That's impossible. And there's definitely a reason for Maomao's "father" to take care of her outside the Palace for 17 years. Meaning she's someone from the Palace, whom he has to bring out for reasons(?) So with current information I get, Jinshi is the son of the "sickly brother" and Ah Duo who gets switched at birth. Now I'm going to amend my speculation about Maomao a bit. I'm thinking maybe the current Emperor was supposed to be the next Emperor in line, but because "sickly" brother had a son to succeed the throne, someone with ill intentions wanted to kill baby Jinshi. The "sick" brother might not be actually sick then but due to the assassination, possibly due to poison, got sick since and never recovers. In order to protect Jinshi, the "sick" prince exchanges baby Jinshi with another concubine who at the same time gave birth to Maomao, and had the doctor (Maomao's current "father") took Maomao out of Palace in place of Jinshi to protect her from assassination instead. Maomao "father's" leg bone was removed, could be due to those with ill intentions caught onto the exchanges and took him prisoner and tortured him to get the information about where was baby Jinshi. They were the ones to remove his leg bone as a torture. He was saved afterwards, but in order to protect him from being silenced by those same people, the "sick" Prince "expelled" him and asked him to take Maomao out of Palace at the same time to protect her. Since the rumour was that Ah Duo and the "sickly" Prince's baby died, they can't have additional baby in the Palace, thus she was brought out of the Palace in Jinshi's place. And these are all my speculation. I could be so wrong, that I bombed myself 😄

John Ng

One more thing to add: I think Ah Duo is not the concubine of the current Emperor, but the "sick" brother. She's just "acting" as a concubine of the current Emperor. From the start of the series till this episode, current Emperor never once was said to visit her at all. Yet she's still one of his favourite concubine, why? If she's his "sick" brother's favourite and he is just helping to take care of her, then it made sense to me.


ok so like how did dad get his balls back? what's a "former eunuch"

paladar blade

I don't think that's what they mean by "former eunuch" only that he was formerly working in the palace as an eunuch. He still missing his balls.


@chaosdreamer About MaoMao being possibly Jinshi's aunt. This is for some reason not tagged as a romance show and we haven't seen any romance other than Jinshi being jealous of MaoMao leaving the palace with another man. I don't think it's likely to be true, but if it is, that would explain why there is no romance between them.

Daniel Turner

lee read the chapter asap, even i got confused for a sec

Casper Ghost

Just to clarify the emperors "dead" son was born at the same time as the emperor's brother who's the current crown prince. They should both be 17 years old or so now. I'm guessing there were either twins or a girl baby they were going to kill to sacrifice to hide Jinshi's heritage if he is the real son of Ah-Duo and the emperor so the doc stole her and ran. that's my guess right now.

Casper Ghost

Just to remind you the "sickly brother" is only 17 same as the "dead son" so that doesn't quite match with your theories.


I dont think there is a chance for secret Twins or a Girl ,a Birth in the Royal Palace is nothing Personal^^ ,there would be always way to mutch People at the Birth. Doctor;Midwife;Lady in Waiting;Servant Girls it was way to Important.

Casper Ghost

AD is set in ancient China and back then twins were the ultimate bad luck babies because it was believed they shared a soul so neither could be whole. During a birth the only people present would be the doctor & potentially an assistant, the father (maybe, they often had to wait in another room), and MAYBE the head lady in waiting; births were fairly private back then for a multitude of reasons. Also remember that this wasn't the birth of the emperor's child at the time so it wouldn't have received the same attention since it was only a prince's baby and the emperor was busy with the birth of his own second son at the time.

Imani Brooks

According to your theory, though, that would mean the main couple would be incestuous. And not even the appropriate level of incestuous their era would be cool with, either.

Imani Brooks

You already know by now, but they explained this in the next episode. Jinshi is most likely the "sickly brother" who is in fact, the Empreor's son. Whether Jinshi knows he's the son is the real mystery. He may actually think they're just brothers.

John Ng

@Imani Brooks, thanks for joining the discussions. What we have here are speculations from what we have through the anime so far, what you commented is actually a spoiler for the next episode. Someone who hasn't watched it will be spoiled before next episode.