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Revenent Kdarma ep 9 uncut

Watch "Revenent Kdarma ep 9 uncut" on Streamable.



Love the outro😊🤣! I'm on the bad team too. The ghost and her story keeps getting more and more interesting. Those scenes at the amusement park (62:46-68:48) needs to be deeply analyzed. This show really makes this ghost so sympathetic. She just wants to have fun and live her best life. Leave this ghost alone. Lol. She's doing evil stuff but she doesn't come off as evil. I really think the evil ghost is trying to find these objects to be set free or to fully possess the MC but also prevent others from finding out her true name.

dani oz

Someone call Frieren, because the demon managed to deceive everyone with her smile

Artemis Delphinia

You know I find it wild every time I watch this that when she's possessed, they just... let the ghost take her body to do whatever even though she clearly gets shooken up and traumatized by it when she wakes up in a whole other place. Like I get they're upset but also HELP HER DAMN