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eminence in shadow s2 ep 10 uncut

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Justin (Nyght)

episode 1 of season 2 used that ed art card of lamda (the one with one eye closed) just verifying its a reused one from first epsiode of season 2 :) i believe its also her va singing the ed song too.

The Law_v1001

I still take 559 over rose if we talking princesses Alexia the only one for me. But I took this episode like most people was right on the 559 and rose debate because I don't think that even 559 knew that rose didn't know. That's why she was like " it's your mom so she's evil". Ironic the problem with a mission is shadow garden coddled someone.


Shadow Garden literally took responsibility because Rose was not informed and sent on mission against the very thing they coddled her for. They leadership was aware she was not capable of dealing with that. I don’t necessarily blame 559 but the episode means 559 or Rose were simply in a bad situation without proper information at thats the result. Its very important to acknowledge that Beta knew about the mother and withheld this from rose for a reason and miscalculated the mother being present on the mission. Theres no longer Rose Or 559 being right or wrong. The leadership would never had put rose in that situation to begin with and intended to avoid this.


It is. Love how they always use the characters VA for the season 1 and 2 ED’s because it’s a nice touch


cid was def listening to perv lee just to make sure you know you heard it right. dont let adorkable talk you out of it this time LOL


Like it’s obvious he heard to me. But Lee always wrong. Just like i was about Glass heroes


Solid episode. Cid is living his best life. I'm with Director. That ending shot of the shadow had my attention.


Lmao nah you were right. Cid is taking this seriously because it’s his goal wrapped up in this too. He really admires rose like he says for her convictions. He thinks she’s a lot like him which she kind of is in a way


0:21 I Googled it, and the only things that came up were an OC Pokemon and a battery toy. So, I don't get it. 13:25 Duke Perv has never seen Cid's face up close during the Bushin Festival. Obviously, he's seen Mundane Mann's and Shadow's face, and Cid has seen the Duke's. 40:40 Why are theatre boys so fabulous? Cuz they're thespians. ;)


I'm a southern boy though.... A southern white boy that grew up on a 50-100 acre farm. Born and raised southern lol. I just find it funny when you bring up that old time southern racism type of stuff. Honestly racism has happened everywhere in the world no matter where you go and to every race. Some more and some less. You cannot deny that we southerners have the funniest racism out of everyone. If you gonna be racist you might as well make it funny.


What's the difference between Alabama and yogurt? Only one of them has live culture. ;)


I still hold 559 accountable for anything she does. She immediately and continues to show she has a grudge and some weird form of yandere type of jealousy toward Rose because Rose was the only other girl given powers directly from Shadow besides the original 7 girls that are the leaders. She was supposed to be a favorite and different from everyone else. Rose comes along and suddenly she starts bringing all of that up. Every chance she has had when Rose is brought up around her she says she wants to go kill her off for "betraying them". I still don't like her at all. She is the kind that takes things into her own hands because she thinks she knows better. I already got a lot from her in the two episodes she has been on. It will take a lot for me to like her in the future if she does get better.


Also Rose is the waifu. Ride or die. I wanted to go bitch slap perv asshat for laying his hands on my girl. She too good for everyone in this series.


I saw the name Alabama and immediately thought it was a joke about incest


Yeah she took something super straight forward and obvious and turned it into something completely different


Its been shown like 3-4 times by now. They have been replaying the same ones they have already done.

Jazzy Jinx

Bro, Cid stole from a bunch of rich guys, ate some cookies and had four different girls fling themselves at him. That was the whole episode. xD

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Roses mom really betrayed everyone for some stick huh 🤣🤣💀


I don't get why ppl like Rose, she half-asses everything. Killed her father for nothing, then joined Shadow Garden to gain power and help her kingdom only to leave to save her mother by marrying the dude who will ruin her whole kingdom. Instead of killing your father she could've killed Perv and/or rescued her father from the mind control. Also why did she go back to be a prison if she wanted to save her mother, go on the run and I can't believe she just left her 2 teammates (who have been nothing but nice and supporting to her) to basically die. Rose is all brawn and no brain, so I just wanted to ask why does everyone like her so much?


Just an awesome character going through the hardest time out of the protagonist. Her storyline elevated the stakes of the show. Sure there was a tone of better choices…but who is perfect. We could say the same about many of our actions. Rose is all brawn and no brain….as someone with the least brain outta the group lol. I like her more now. But yes she is a princess who specializes in combat and she was known to be very good at it and all the princess have been the same when you think about and are virtually helpless without cid to the greater powers. Alexia did get it right (i also love her) but her sister is a mess. She dotes on cid a lot and i feel bad for her. She killed her father because she thought she had to. There’s no other answer and that haunts her. She thought it was the best decision. We can nit pick or debate but before you do. That’s just the answer to why I like her. Like describing why i like pancakes. You could say “but the syrup is unhealthy” and id say cool. Just saying why I like pancakes. It’s certainly not for everyone though.

John Ng

Rose couldn't kill Asshat. She's struggling against him. And I think Rose killed her dad because he was mind controlled. And she has no way to free him from it. He also gave her the go ahead and thanked her for it if I remembered correctly. Because if she were to leave him be, Asshat would controlled him to wage war on others and bloodied his hand with something he doesn't want to do. She wanted to save his honour before it is destroyed by the villain using mind control for him to fall into disgrace. That will be a fate worse than death for an honourable King.

John Ng

@Lee, I think Perv Asshat is really good in bed. He basically made Rose's mum horny for him without aphrodisiac... That's saying something about his "skills in bed." 😉


100% correct John. It’s important to note that the King gave her the go ahead. There was hesitation and he gave her approval. Shes a good daughter man.


I really cannot with this show LMAO, that ED is crazyyy


Thanks for the reply lee and yeah I like Rose too, I just wanted to see more of the "WHYs" on the things she does, because we saw that Iris had the whole kingdom's expectations on her shoulders and felt that she shouldn't lose to anyone. We also saw the reason for Alexia's thinking. I guess I kind of have more problem with how the shows portray Rose with no details on her decisions, compared to the other two. I also went to see if we get more of her side in the manga and it shows that after 559 punches her, she gets surronded and has no other choice but to go with the enemy, which changes my whole view on her and the scene. I hope I got my points across

TAC Genesis

idk, mum may have been an op the whole time, but its probably something more dumb than we can imagine knowing this show


Director being more true to himself for the ending picture, YBRL meanwhile trying to stay calm for Adorkable :D. So that ring is what controls that Black Rose weapon and Cid will put it on Rose, will be interesting to see will there be anything left of this city after this arc ends.


Im not a native english speaker and there some quite a few slangs you guys use on regular basis that I dont understand. I just process them following the context they are used in tho.


Hahahaha their eyes are so fixed on that ending credit. Director's eye are pretty much sparkling. I love it. Plus you guys did see that before. I think it was s2 e1 iirc

Zee Wrld

Did anyone notice the girls have the tsunade drip