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Shangra La fronteir ep 3 uncut

Watch "Shangra La fronteir ep 3 uncut" on Streamable.


Just Chilline

why is the spider on the green wall behind you instead of this anime?

Roronoa Zoro

The Boss bunny has the same VA as BlackBeard, Thorkell, and Dimple (Mob Psycho)


I love that you questioning why he's scared of the bigger bunny. Look at him! He missing an eye, smokin, drinking sake poured from his entourage of girl bunnies. He's a scary motherfucker! 😅

Brian Carotenuto

He is also Kyouraku, Jirou Souzousuke Shunsui from bleach you know the samurai with the dual swords, one of the captains.


i thought of him in Bleach honestly...but was like he too cool and calm...lmao...but it's all one person ha, I was never conciouus that I recognized that captains voice outside of bleach lol...wow

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Ngl I feel you Director 😂 mf I've been playing for years and somehow some new mf who we carried got the gahhh damn gun but not the vet players like Bungo??? 😭😭

Alan Uribe

Lowkey a coop stream of Lee and director in Elden Ring lol.


I was so confident that VA was Captain Kyoraku cause I knew that voice haha glad to see yall looked it up and got the confirmation too~


also the post credit extra scene got cut off T^T i wanted to see it


You guys can't compete in elden ring despite all of the tools it gives you to make it easy? You get multiple things to make the entire game easier. You just need to know how to go about doing all of it. You don't have to be great like when you play bloodborne or sekiro or dark souls. Those games have a much lower amount of tools to help things be easier. When I did my first playthrough through them I had a much harder time than elden ring ended up giving me


Elden ring isn't cheap either lol. I know director isn't trying to shit on the game but the game genuinely has great mechanics as long as you can adapt to them


Same, I didn't like Elden Ring. I much preferred Bloodborne or the Demon's Souls Remake.

Crowne Pri

19:00 Lol Lee that cottontail-cotton picker sequence is some of your best work


The VA you guys talking about he also did Yujiro Hanma and Blackbeard

Ernest Mitchell

I will always champion trying out Final Fantasy 14 online. It has a free trial that gives you the first 2 expansions for Free each with over 50 hrs of gameplay, and thats not even including the amount of content in the base game. There's a reason its been winning Best MMORPG for the past 10+ years. Thats the Real SLF of our world.