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Gundam Witch From Mercury Ep 20 uncut

Watch "Gundam Witch From Mercury Ep 20 uncut" on Streamable.


Kevin Baker

If y'all plan to continue Gundam, I can easily recommend Gundam Thunderbolt for more cerebral GD. Thanks for the reaction!


Brunette is weak af w/ that Spacian noodle arm biology tho. Gundvolvas are Permet controlled, so since they lost their current dominant master, anyone w/ a high enough Permet Score could take them over w/ 0 resistance. This is literally what Prospera did to stage the Earth boogaloo, by hijacking the controls of one of the niggas in a tank or w/e


That art at the end of the episode showing what could've been if Norea never went off the deep end/Earthians were never treated the way they were. Managed to make me care about the romance of an Elan clone and a Witch that was an enemy in the span of a few episodes. The fact that Shadiqq felt that the Assembly wouldn't care if it was only Earthians that died, but they'll get involved now that Spacians were caught in the crossfire hits a little too close to real life. >_>

Ikee boi

LOL the Crunchyroll pain. I feel that XD