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eminence in shadow s2 ep 8 UNCUT

Watch "eminence in shadow s2 ep 8 UNCUT" on Streamable.



After rewatching the episode through you guys and your reaction I think I was a little harsh. Sometimes I get irritable and hate a little too much on shows. This episode was good but only because of the fanservice. Everything else doesn't matter but the fanservice is great like always. I just can't handle the two friends when we get more than their one off shenanigan stuff. Any more than one or two minutes of them per episode is gonna be annoying to me. They are legit the target audience of all the red pill bullshit that people try to profit from.


Yeah you guys just need to join luffy on his pirate ship for this series. Hi Dive is apparently complete trash. Never used it but I thought I heard it was going out of business. I seen other people complain and hate on the website and how it works as well. Its funny when pirate websites are more capable and appealing than legit platforms you have to pay for.


I really wish those two would have died in lawless city. I hate them so fucking much.


yeah the friends are just annoying, I dont even see them as comedic relief at this point.


To be fair, Cid picked them as friends because they're trash.