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Josh Wright

Thanks for the quick fix 👍🙏

Josh Wright

I forgot how this show randomly takes a turn and gets quite real out of nowhere.

Oh, That's Wild

She always talks about reviving 'Wicked Lord Shigan'. With that in mind after this episode, it kinda has a sadder hidden meaning since that moniker more than likely belongs to her dad.


Her looking for the boundary lines… the train scene… was she contemplating?…

tracee miasco

19:16 If i remember correctly jts "Straight as an arrow" not "by the numbers". Please watch somewhere with better subtitles there's a lot of phrases here too that I just didn't understand what the show was trying to say

Josh Wright

Is by the numbers and straight as an arrow that different in meaning.

Anthony Nguyen

12:38 the 'dark brown liquid' is barley tea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barley_tea

tracee miasco

I've never heard by the numbers and I've never seen or heard anyone use it.

The Wheff

By the numbers is a phrase that means very logical, or that they prefer lawful contracts over something like good faith trust me bro deals, that they believe in concrete reality over faith. The old man is probably an atheist, and is also likely ex-military.

Random Guy

I honestly would've loved more of those fake reality fight scenes