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LightMyPath Star

Are u posting a day early? Ty. No bong soon?

Royal Yaya

I think the demon had him break the glass because then the fish would die. I am assuming that type of fish needs to be in a specific environment and being thrown in the river would produce an inhabitable environment which would also kill it. I think the demons motive is to protect the MC because that is their host body.


1:08:33 She has a great smile and Lee is hilarious. 😍🤣


So far, this ghost/demon is very unique. Besides Talk To Me, I haven't seen a ghost/demon this clever, cunning, manipulative, and entertaining in a long time. I'm use to seeing ghosts/demons annoy people by slamming doors and moving sheets and causing lame jump scares. Looking forward to this ghost's motivations and backstory. These Kdrama's don't miss.

kun st

her smile got me 🤭😍


Great reaction once again guys, never really enjoyed supernatural/ghost stories, but gotta say I am actually enjoying this one. Thanks for the great reaction and keep it up!


The conversation around this is great! You guys are cranking out some fun theories in the comments too. This spirit entity is one of my favorites.


I posted what i had available due to a storage issue and i left the house for the holidays. Sorry


I love evil women 😭😭😭😭😭. She goes from quiet and sweet to a Demon and i am sucker for it


Why is it when they go demon mode, they go more sexy mode same time :D

strange& sleepless (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 21:43:42 You know what this show is actually kind of scary. It stays in my mind, I even dreamt about it. I watch a lot of horror movies and can't recall ever having dreamt about one. Maybe it's affecting me differently bc it's a show? with a movie you watch the story build and get the solution at the end all in one, but with this you just kind of sit with it unresolved until the next episode. Anyway, good reaction.
2023-11-24 21:12:45 You know what this show is actually kind of scary. It stays on my mind, I even dreamt about it. I watch a lot of horror movies and can't recall ever having dreamt about one. Maybe it's affecting me differently bc it's a show? with a movie you watch the story build and get the solution at the end all in one, but with this you just kind of sit with it unresolved until the next episode. Anyway, good reaction.

You know what this show is actually kind of scary. It stays on my mind, I even dreamt about it. I watch a lot of horror movies and can't recall ever having dreamt about one. Maybe it's affecting me differently bc it's a show? with a movie you watch the story build and get the solution at the end all in one, but with this you just kind of sit with it unresolved until the next episode. Anyway, good reaction.