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Richie Roberts

Next episode will explain the uniques. I don't want to go into it because you'll find out next ep. But I'm really loving watching yall's theories.


I love how into the anime you guys are and trying to flush out the lore of the game and the different scenarios that can happen! It makes the reaction more interesting! 😄 Have a Happy Thanksgiving all of you and remember if you want that after dinner nap tomorrow, forget the turkey and load up on the carbs! 😉🥔🥐🫓😴

The Law_v1001

Did I read it wrong? I thought it was unique monsters dispatched. Like no one in the game has killed a single one yet.


The swamp gave me flashbacks from Blighttown for real...but hey at least this one isn't poisonous! as for the random ass boss spawning on his head...ANIME WILL REVEAL! But my theory is either that, you guys are right, and it's new DLC/Expansion/Patch/Whatever content that just dropped, and it happend the first one spawned on him OR It's some end-game ultra difficult event boss he triggered by accident (dunno, 2h in constant combat wihout taking a hit or some other compleatly bullshit trigger noone is supposed to hit on accident...or just random spawn that happend on him kekw) and it's litteraly unique, cuz once it's killed it never respawns, and once all of them are dead something happens (and it's still at 0% compleation, simply cuz noone have beaten a single one yet)...anyway it's only ep2, but it's already clear finally gamers made "game-isekai" anime for gamers, and they know they stuff, not like *cough cough* SAO *cough cough* drop some game-sounding words and call it a day


I guess dispatched could be either "sent out" or "taken care of" but considering there was one sent out and the bar is still at 0%, you are most likely right.

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

That bro... that's exactly what I was thinking too like that has been in the game and nobody even completed one but now mc encounter one... now the system is acting up now 😂


hyped to rewatch this with yall been fiending for someone to cover it


I love Lee's reaction to the Frog Mini at 25:17 lol. The beat went hard too

John Ng

Remember that it's a "Unique Monster". Thus you need to fulfill a certain criteria to trigger the "Unique Monster", just like in actual game. That's all I can say to avoid giving spoilers. THE ANIME WILL REVEAL!! - YaBoyRockLee 2023 😂

The Law_v1001

The bar not moving was why I thought so. But sometimes things get lost is subs so was just curious if it was maybe a mistake on my part

Lee Coleman

There is another game anime out as well. It to like this is slow burn. Both are good in its own right.


Heads up for The Director if you stick with this anime that it looks like there will be a spooder appearing possibly in episode 10 (hope this is an acceptable “spoiler”)


That is still a spoiler. Why tf would you spoil anything no matter if its a spider or not. No one cares. Let them react to it and find out. You just wanted an excuse to be an asshole and spoil something.