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lmao I'm 2 minutes in and the dawning of realization on DN's face 🤣 he was so deep into his inner demon theory before you corrected that i cant


Director is correct, Yiseo is the character from Itaewon Class but the actress name is Dami :)


Did you guys peep the actress who plays Attorney Woo?


lol they told you it was Woo Young Woo and you still 🤣 didn't recognize her at first I'm sad haha yall are so bad with faces


44:01 as opposed to it not being a movie?? lol I'm confused with the question?


I thought it was a random movie within the movie. She lady was so badass that i thought it was a movie in a movie. Like the famous The Famous Jett Jackson TV show for example


ohhhh haha i was like "what does he think he's watching then???" haha thanks for clarification

Daaylen Watson

Still recommending Your Name anime movie as well as Silent Voice.


glad you enjoyed it. another movie its on netflix called #Alive korean zombie movie gamer stucck in apartment when outbreak happens. its amazing you know how KOREAN zombie movies are :P your gunna love it


Thanks for the movie reaction.


People said it before we started and identified her but I don’t say anything because I don’t actually see it.


yall did a pretty good job overall putting things together once you got to the end. this "sequel" is like a mix between a side story and a prequel while also serving as continuity to the previous one and i think maybe that was too ambitious for the screenwriting team cause some of the dialogue was just confusing lol


So this is supposed to be trilogy movies? As this is left fully without conclusion is witch 3 then released yet? Only part that was left little confusing for me, was the mother only pregnant with one child, but they made her have twins it's little bit confusing scene in the start of the movie. Then there is the part where the mother is only calling for one of the children, so I am now thinking there is only one biological original child and the first movie female is a clone, that is why the mother is ignoring her. I will be really surprised if the last movie doesn't go full sister vs clone sister duel of death.

LightMyPath Star

5:03 yes Director u we’re very brave 😂😂😂🤗 I love it when you guys be clowning on each other it’s on another level 🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤡 🤡

LightMyPath Star

1:17:05 Lee “his knees work both ways how functional” I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

LightMyPath Star

That thug went full idiot for a min there 1:18:47 but you guys cracking up at 1:19:07 undid me at work. I’m laughing too loud to not be noticed out here. I think my coworkers think I’m nuts 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡

LightMyPath Star

Ok this movie was mid at best. Glad I watched it with you guys because otherwise I would have been at sleep n never finished it. However thank u so much for reacting as always u guys were funny so well worth it. 👍 So I have heard that most people were confused with the first and this one made it worst it’s why I never watched it on my own. Honestly this is not on the caliber of other SKorean movies it is hard to follow and the slow parts at the beginning just made me uncertain of the story. No real consistency. And I can’t discern who to root for. Like I said it wasn’t terrible but I expected so by much more and it didn’t deliver. And that was my honest 2 cents.

Sne Msomi

The white man is South African

Fanny Plasencia

Lmao I liked the video before even watching lmao You a real one, you payed for this too smh But watching this a second time will be more worth it with your commentary, can’t wait to watch

Fanny Plasencia

Just finish watching it with you guys, not gonna lie feel like it took me two days between my lunch and off hrs to finish the first half- I was struggling more than the first time I watched it on my own but I was committed to finishing the whole reaction. The second half I watched all today, I forgot how much action actually happens in this one. Loved your commentary and overall had fun rewatching the movie with you guys. Think I’m going to give some anime and series I haven’t seen yet a chance by seeing it with you guys first. I think that would be a fun experience