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Manga of this is fucking fire, gonna enjoy watching this with youes.


Lee u dropped Death Mount ?part 2 is heat

Black Hawk


Coping McCoperson

This is a cool one. No story but good animation and fights.


That's why you're the GOAT!


Well really thought you were going for Ragna Crimson? Oh well.

Eli Jones

Absolutely amazing guys! Hope you guys enjoy this series. It does develop a better story and drive and can't wait to see the reaction.


Honestly, I'm enjoying Dead Mount Part 2, but I think that's probably better to watch once all the episodes are close to out. Easier to consume that way with how much goes on.


Based off what he said in the intro, they're going to be giving a few series a try to see what the community gravitates to. I imagine it'll be one of them.


Thanks for giving SLF a shot, especially with how much you guys already have on your plates. I've been really enjoying it so far, so I'm here for this. Hope it does well.

Roronoa Zoro

I also wish they showed us a clip of sunraku beating that female npc’s ass. Probably would’ve been hilarious

John Ng

The God of Foot Lee has answered our prayers again!!! We need to offer more Feeeeeeet!!!! 🤪


Kingdom Hearts is an amazing series. Destiny 1 was fun, hunter main. Cayde best character hands down. Fight me if you don't agree lol. As for annoying characters, Navi can be annoying. "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!" "Hey! Listen!"


This is super dope. MC reminds me of Inosuke from Demon slayer with the buff body and animal mask. This anime also feels like a mix of SAO and Bofuri. I'm enjoying it a lot

Josh Wright

This show is great so far glad y’all watching it


Hope you guys enjoy it, its a fun ride


Thanks for picking this up! Looking forward to more of it on the channel


I felt that Destiny comment from Director

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Damn warlock main tho 😁 sad the way it is right now but I'm going to go through it tho I invest too much on it to give up on it right now

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Yup bro is definitely that skill ass player in a casual ass game 😂 bro bout to violated those players for sure 😂


I'm glad you guys are watching this show. I feel like no one is talking about it, it's one of my favorites this season.

Julian Fernando

Daaamn thought we were getting Ragna Crimson hahahahah (Seemed like it was getting hyped up) Shangri La Frontier is hella good too tho!


thank you lee i love you


I asked about it and it wasn’t hyped enough to feel it was a better pick than this one


Wait...is that what I think it is? Deam, Lee I'm impressed. It was on "Sounds fun but there is no way in hell I'm finding time for this" category.


Timestamp 10:26-ish Wait...so the game she is speaking abaut is...basicly Dark Souls? Meby with few extra glitches...or meby not, depending on do we consider consistent and semi-logical bugs as features or not

Black Hawk

92 likes damn right


Been wanting the big reactors to get on this glad you guys are getting into it!


Omfg, 4:20 gotta stop and say that's the greatest anime kick I've ever seen


The "I KNOW JAPANESE!" got me lmao 😂

Random Guy

many people have been hyping this but for the first ep it hasnt given me that hype for the next episode feel like Overlord or Youjo Senki


I'm late but watching this series for the first time with these reactions it reminds me of the hundreds of hours I spent playing elden ring, dark souls 1/2/3, bloodborne, and sekiro. I spent a minimum of 1k hours on those games combined lol


I'm one of those people that run around butt ass naked without any armor and just rely on my skills and full on offense


Nah I'm sorry but if elden ring didn't give you the best feeling while playing a game you and director must not be good at playing them at all


That elf girl was annoying for sure but I would have been able to put up with it cause that one shot of her from the back showed she had an entire wagon load she was hauling around in the back

Ernest Mitchell

I will always champion trying out Final Fantasy 14 online. It was a free trial that gives you the first 2 expansions for Free each with having over 50 hrs of gameplay, and thats not even including the amount of content in the base game. Its a reason its been winning Best MMORPG for the past 10+ years. Thats the Real SLF of our world.

Kumi Chan

Elden ring the anime