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Calvin Edwards Jr

Sean Combs SAUCE at the begnning!! HAHAHAHA!

Bob Bob

Why is the Audio of the anime so low quality?


They needed Sukuna with 16 fingers to kill the blonde dude


Megumi needs to get strong enough to one shot it. If it can’t adapt he wins. Seems simple enough lol

Dionne McCrary

Very impressed with Director’s understanding of Megumi’s ritual.


Sukuna was trying to kill mahoraga ( the official name of the shikigami). The ritual had to be canceled by a third party, aka kill mahoraga. If the blonde dude died during the ritual megumi would have died. When he was slumped over on the wall, he was dead, just the death hadn't taken effect cause the ritual was still in effect. Since the ritual was canceled by a third party all deaths within the ritual (mahoraga, ponytail, and megumi) none of them died. Mahoraga is still around as well


You're gonna have to rewatch a few times to grasp all the sauce they put down this episode, trust me.Might as well start reading the manga too, those guys at mappa on they last legs

spam protection

as a manga reader of jjk, i realized that this episode was alot to take in. So many friends and reactors completely missed/ misunderstood what was said. Readers get time to read every bubble, but anime gets all the cool art.

Kuro Shishio

As far as I understand, if Megumi subjugated Mahoraga, then someone defeats it after, he can't bring it back.


I wonder if you could then add it to a totality like he did with the demon dogs?

Kuro Shishio

It will merge with one of his other shikigami. Same thing happened with one of his demon dogs, and his frog and snake. I think the bunnies are still good because he can summon multiples... maybe the core bunny was never killed.


I mean it could have been anyone since it was Nanami who took all his miracles away.

Josh Wright

It’s super fucked up but I like how they put an Emphasis on the toll to human life that happens when these types of colossally powerful characters fight. U don’t see it in many shows. You forget as ur watching that it’s not just building and car parks. There’s many ppl in them. It’s sad but really puts scale to the destruction.

Black Hawk

Time stamp 18:54 "doing the Harlem shake getting shot up"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


the audio for the anime is very quiet


tl;dr the only way for Megumi to control Mahoragha if he is the only one in the ritual and subjugated him. If he has help, the ritual just ends when Mahoragha is defeated and he can't actually control it. And no one in the history of Jujutsu sorcery has ever subjugated Mahoragha


diddy is a real life supervillain at this point


Another funny thing is we’ve seen Megumi do the hand motion to summon Mahoraga a few time in desperate situations. Like 4 or 5 times lol man is mad ready to die.

Mufid Lassissi

We can barely hear anything


But now we know that it IS possible, maybe Megumi will try again, once he's stronger? I mean, SOMEBODY had to have done it, to seal him into the 10 Shadows Tech to begin with, right?

God Enel

I'm sorry I gotta let them kill me or I'm killing myself bro sakuna has gotta go 😭 the higher ups are actually right.


Well shikigami are not sealed curse spirits they are constructs made by a cursed technique so no actually


This is wrong. Mahoragha can be summoned again and again if Megumi hasn't subjugated him.


Maybe but we know that no ten shadows user has ever subjugated him


@Brakthir you didn’t read what he said at all did you?


Honestly this is what War looks like in cities. So people who enjoyed this would enjoy War. Amazing episode, finally caught up to your JJK reactions as I couldn't hold back anymore not start watching as I wanted to wait for the season to end so I could go full splurge mode watching these, but couldn't wait anymore. So if this is what happened in this kind of fight, what will Gojo & Sukuna fight be then as that is where the show is going.


I understand Megumi's family line made that technique and created that shikigami, but it's so powerful that it's impossible to subjugate it. That is what they are implying here, but most likely Megumi will get it subjugated somehow.


Yeah the brutality in this season JJK has been one of the craziest compared to any other anime.


Actually it's incorrect his last miracle was spend saving himself from Mahoraga or that is how I understood it as they started explaining his cursed technique and then he get saved by Sukuna and after that he doesn't have those lines under his eyes

Casper Ghost

It always gets me how y'all have a different translation from what my CrunchyRoll has. Mine called Sukuna's domain the Malevolent Kitchen not Malevolent Shrine and y'all's used both. I guess y'all are using a VPN to get the non-american English version?


I love when a series is just a roller-coaster of emotions. The stress. Lovely reaction as always guys ✨

Casper Ghost

33:33 Megumi explained in S-1 after Sukuna and the Special Grade killed Orochi and the White demon dog that when one of his Shikigami is actually killed he loses it permanently but its power is transferred to the survivors which is why the surviving demon dog can now damage special grades.