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selina kyle

His dad showing up was perfect if he shows up this so Then now I know what's gonna happen next man I love this show and comics

Teyon Alexander

Cecil and his people don’t have cloning technology. If they did he’d have cloned the Guardians.

Adam Vialpando

Actually before his eye surgery Allen did call Mark by his real name to the council


I was SHOOK when Omni man walked out all casual like.


After finding out that the voice actress for Monster Girl is same woman who voiced the girl from Clifford the Big Red Dog tv show, i can't look at her the same lol

Samke Dladla

That doesn't make sense. Cecil steals any tech that he deems valuable from the background villians. You're telling me that he's not once tried to replicate the Mauler's tech.

Kwame James

That's exactly what I was thinking and they never let either one know who the clone is they said it would mess with their mind

Kwame James

FYI the heroes don't 100% listen to Cecil and the only time mark doesn't listen is if it means lost of life eve didn't listen when her and mark went to Omni man immortal went to fight Omni man the second time I believe against Cecil orders robot broke the maulers out and I'm sure Cecil not in the loop about the Martian he just know that if he can't mind control mark physically doing not that likely

Daniel Gonzalez

I liked the comics and the show is fine just wish they'd made some different choices or at least adhered closer to the comics don't like how long they dragged out HS and I'm pretty sure Mark didn't get as badly beat by this many people think his dad was the only one who gave him a serious beatdown requiring him to go to the hospital (to this point) but as long as they hit the key story points I'm still invested

Daniel Gonzalez

I know they did in the same thing in the comic but have we heard this narrator before I dont think we have also Debbie TF she said no last names and was wondering if they'd do this as the 1st part ending makes sense with what they've already set up guessing that is the 2nd parts ending wonder if we saw any of them already


47:40 "they are all gonna die in a month, was it worth it still?" Lee sounding like Omniman in this one

Nicholas Castillo

One thing I think that goes unappreciated is Mark‘s gay best friend is just the right amount of involved and irrelevant like he’s always helping him out. He’s always covering for him, but he never pulls the story to be all about him words too much about him it’s like just enough they show you every single time how much of a good friend they are to each other but they don’t show you so much as to believe that the story is his best friend or he needs even more Showtime. It’s just enough to get things pointed across and I appreciate that little details not too much. It helps you recognize the story has nothing to do with him, but also he’s a true real friend in Mark’s life and Mark values his opinion and his advice