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Edward Chireno

you uploaded episode 4 again, letting you know so we can get episode 5 soon


Oh dang I knew the orange cat discussion sounded familiar hahaha


this whole time I thought I recognize Yuta's va but it wasnt until that pose and laugh that I finally realized it was Lelouch LOL


Are you going to post the last episode of Flower of Evil?

tracee miasco

I can't wait for the whole season

rune kongstad larsen

after watching the ep and looking at the comment, i just saw my last comment just copied mitch anderson. i am a uncreative little punk i guess

Random Guy

Yuuta being chuuni sounds so good coz he's the same VA as lelouch from code geass


Exam scoring is pretty much alway out of 100. So 2 out of 100. She probably got one answer correct somehow.


They censored smash because copyright. In manga and anime they will almost always do it when mentioning a brand or person our other things from real life.