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I have been waiting for this since yesterday!!!


Made it to the end 😭 so glad y'all enjoyed this one. It's one of my favorites (and Lee Joon Gi is one of my favorite K-Actors) so to see you all thoroughly enjoy Flower of Evil has been a treat. Thanks for another great round of reactions.


I think that the way Moojin and Haesu parted wasn't really a "no chance" thing. I think they are long distance dating so she can go explore her life and when she finds herself, she can finally be with him as a whole person if that makes sense. That was my interpretation anyway. I think it was meant to be left open to interpretation and whatnot


for what you guys was saying at the start i kinda feel its the same with south asians the older men just kinda stop showing physical attention to girls and boys as they reach past 8 or 10 like ig its like when ur getting closer to puberty. even off creepy shit it just naturally ends up that way lol


I know Baek man-u is a bad guy but am I the only one that bawled my eyes out when hyun-su visited him in the hospital? 😭 bro that was so sad


Thanks for the great reaction. Loved the series. Never seen so many crying scenes in my life.

Lee Coleman

I have nothing to say😁 but this is still my fav show.




Damn really melodramatic ending for the show. Still really loved it till the end. Only thing I was confused was did his father actually kill the mother, because I think that was left little bit open ended, like I only thought they only said the mother went missing, so they never found the body even? Well finally finished this with you guys, now back to continue Revenant. "My Love from the Stars" is my suggestion it's little bit old Kdrama, but you guys most likely will love it, it was pretty famous in it's own time.

Hades 88

He is an amazing actor, maybe you would react to more of his kdramas, he is actually known more as an action star who does his own stunts, he is one of my favorite actors out there.