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Love Adorkable, unfortunately, I happen to be somewhat close to her male equivalant which does tend to get in the way of genuine relationships. In that I mean I had almost the same conversation with a female friend with genders reversed,


magi never became peak because they ended it literally after it started getting good but im very glad you enjoyed it! :)


Magi needs to be finished because the manga following is peak. Also, never thought of Sinbad as a biblical reference… but it gets even deeper. Remnants from a gilded world manipulating ours as spirits behind the scenes, a fallen Magi (Angel) leading the charge. Hmm.

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Don't forget Sinbad has more rukh or magoi than any normal human being has that's why the mf got seven djinns lol


I understand your point, but I think something you left out is that even though he didn't take the money, he was fulfilling his role of providing for his family, that's why all the scenes where they were eating, yes the situation was tough but that's why his focus on working and not thinking about anything else, I think it's a contrast between that the best thing for his family would have been to take the money but in spite of that he never failed in his role as a provider.


we didn't leave that out because we missed it, we don't agree is fullfilling the role, but yes he does go to work and try, If i was the wife i would not be happy about that.

Casper Ghost

The number of djinns doesn't impact the amount of magoi or vice versa; magoi level just affects how long a djinn equip can be used. At no point have they ever claimed he had more magoi than others just that he's better at using it thanks to his time with the magoi manipulators and his inborn skill that the father talked about in this episode. In fact when we've seen Sinbad's magoi level without his djinns it was comparable to everyone around him except Masrur.

God Enel

Thors??? Is that you? He has no enemies

Tijay Carroll

the money and drinking was a few years ago. this is a different war that they are now losing its too late to get that money