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mitch anderson

Ugh I want to watch but my schedule is so full 😭😭


OMG finalllyyyyy

mitch anderson

Sigh I have exams coming up and work also. I just can't find the timeeeeee. I'll probably just binge when it's done

John Ng

I'm actually glad that Lee did the rewind to watch the whole scene with Jinshi and Maomao again. Because it's a really meaningful conversation and not just for rizzing up on Jinshi. But Maomao definitely rizzed up the most beautiful man without even trying 😉 And Jinshi giving Maomao the hair accessory has double meaning imo. One, he officially wants to claim her as his, Two, he is using it as a "Freckle technique" just like what Maomao did to deters other man (or Emperor) from going after her. Since it's a garden festival, I would presume not only the Emperor is around, but other Generals and/or officials are to attend as well. Hence why they need all 4 Top Concubine to attend together. But I could be wrong with other man attending the event until tonight's episode reveal 😁

Gavin Daniels

TRULY PEAK!! So happy we’re getting 24 episodes of this amazing anime


For myself felt so twisted that now that she didn't have the freckles and looked beautiful, now was the only time he started asking about her past. Well truthfully that conversation only started as she admitted doing fake freckles to look little bit less desirable. Director was going wild in this episode "Yeah I have had that face 2am" ... "Does she now belong to the streets" after maomao was marked :D

Casper Ghost

This episode isn't in the Apothecary tagged reaction list btw.

Casper Ghost

I wonder if her burns are gonna get her caught up in the manhunt going on since Jinshi just ordered Gaoshun to bring in everyone with burns on their arms.

Casper Ghost

33:00 I gotta disagree; MM was an apothecary to hookers in the brothel and now she's an apothecary to hooke- I mean 'consorts' in the palace. lol It can't be all that different, just safer, but she still has to worry about getting killed by the customer except now the only customer is the emperor. lol


I have a theory that Jinshi faking being eunuch to gather information in the same way that MaoMao is faking freckles to be undesirable. It would be the perfect way to spy, cause no one cares about eunuchs.

Casper Ghost

In Ancient China Eunuchs were often seen as gossips so I personally find it more likely that he's just there as a loyalty test since it was believed women could instinctively tell if someone was clipped or not so if they show him too much attention you know she can't be trusted around men.


They already said that was what he was there for, but I think his double purpose is to spy on behalf of the emperor because I don't believe he's a eunuch, especially after the next episode. I won't spoil, but watch the next one. Ancient China influenced Joseon Dynasty Korea a lot and there's very similar historical stories where Eunuchs and Maidservants were used to pass information through the palace in secret on behalf of their Masters or Mistresses. Usually because they go unseen by most people since their status is low. Same with Gisaengs, they would often write hidden messages in their under coats[Hwangjinyi is the most famous for this art].


Lol. It’s trolling that we can stay with conviction. Which is a hard thing to interpret.


I know I’m wrong and the popular setting and I fully understand the argument against it. Nevertheless I can argue this with confidence and smile. But for academic purposes I accept that this is not an Isekai. But will argue so because it’s a fun take


I don’t think the emperor spends nights with the other 2 concubines. Main girl wasn’t getting any sleep while the blue haired one was sick.


Holy shit, it wasn't until this episode that I recognized her, but the voice of Maomao is the voice of Tanya Degurachaff from Saga of Tanya the Evil.