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The girls are looking better and better in this show. And Im not talking about bodies only. But the character devlopment is nice


These goblins cookin something. i'm worried. 😟😰



dani oz

I dont even watch the show but still got to appreciate peak toe.. i mean thumbnail


REAL WAIFU IS HERE! It was so funny how you guys always forget who the real waifu of this show is. Priestess, bah...cowgirl, maybe...but Archpriestess holy damn! :D

Jazzy Jinx

Goblins under my skirt is a wild pick-up line, though. "Come investigate this "cave" real quick." Nah. xD

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Nahhhh 21:37 bruh I died bruh 🤣🤣🤣 fuckin director 🤣🤣👏🏽💀


Adorkable doesn't realize the guy in the samurai armor in the opening is goblin slayer? lol


Pretty sure all 4 of the girls are interested in goblin slayer. I assume director was talking about elf girl not being interested in him but she has shown multiple signs up to this point. The spear guy even called him out a couple episodes ago specifically for the priestess girl, cow girl, and the elf girl always wanting to be around him. The main baddy priestess WOMAN is the 5th for sure. No matter what cow girl is first and foremost waifu.

Daniel Borrego

its abundently clear that all the girls love goblin slayer including the sword priestess. and it wouldnt suprise me if the elf girls sister end up falling for him too

Kazuma Sato

sword priestess the baddest one imo


priestess enjoyers stay strong, do not be swayed by the Archpriest