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11:12:18 Please don't replace Owlette.

Nada Bm

Great EP, Great reaction 👏 I'm excited to see your reaction to the next episodes cuz they're amazing and full of thriller scenes esp ep 15 I can't wait 😆🤩 Love Ya 🤟💜💜

Lee Coleman

Great reaction seeing Lee grab the toy you know he was super stressed. Also I’m with the director at the beginning your not have my phone changer or my first aid it’s mine.


Lmao. I have since gotten rid of this stuffed Animal and Owlette is still here. I was pushing too hard on my face when i got stressed lmao. Got a little strange (overthinking or maybe not) . So I stopped going for it. Ha.


Lol. Tense show man. When i watch things like this with my wife we hold each other TIGHT


37:31 "The camel that broke the straw."


no fr that stuffed animal was not supporting you enough


1:13:04 I’m just gonna point out depending on the door, locking it won’t do anything. She locks it and calls the cops could work. However, if he kicks the door down, the kid is also exposed.


@1:09:40 badmind and jealously from lee 😂