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Yuta and John smith having the same VA is amazing 🤣

Oh, That's Wild

That ladle should be classified as a deadly weapon lmao


Rikka is simply chaotic neutral

UltrA_ Ojisan

Next ep we get the goat

Random Guy

Amazing reaction on this episode

Edward Chireno

Awesome reaction, rikka and her imagination vs reality is one of the funniest things, glad you guys seems to be enjoying the show!!

Trevin Ahiatsi

One of my favorite anime episodes

tracee miasco

The hidive subtitles are kind of meh. This show is like almost a decade year old i think so there should be better subtitles out there

tracee miasco

Lol rikkas room just reminded me of Shadow

Daniel Gonzalez

Which one if both the other 2 haven't shown up yet I love them both in fact I use one when I cook quite frequently

Daniel Gonzalez

So crazy thought but like at one point you could feasibly watch everything on crunchyroll if you were bored enough I didn't do that but back then I watched alot of random shows and this was one of them and I didn't realize how hard they went on the animation from the changing styles to the sheer quality especially for its time but I think I still need to watch the movie which I do have


I knew this episode would get the director laughing hard, it's just too damn funny


I love how every actual adult that sees them playing pretend has the same reaction "OMG that looks like so much fun!"😂


One of the three forbidden relics alongside the slipper and belt.


Is this a reupload