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lol, so i had a few comments about me and Q's lol....the last few episodes hit me with some things i was NOT READY FOR HA HA HA, anyways, Once I stopped over thinking and let it ride...moved right on...AAAAAANNNNNNNDDD Ivan looking THICK!?  I'm all in...lol..playfully of course... ha ha


one piece 444-446 uncut

Watch "one piece 444-446 uncut" on Streamable.



damn.. only 3 episodes today :3


Yeaaaa can’t always do 4 man. We actually had to do 6 in one day to keep up. So we did 6 instead of 8


Schedule is here. Under modification with new shows and I don’t know what new shows we’ll keep. But One Piece will he unaffected by new shows being added https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VNKDRIUea34xSDVJ2V3IqaRZ-aJyhQ6eovyznOMNcsg/edit


Appreciate it Sonic. We are already on ep 460 on last recording though. We are generally 3 videos ahead


So I personally feel like Magellan has a good chance against Blackbeard, maybe not beat him but if you recall Blackbeard has to absorb the hits, and absorbing poison could be more dangerous than absorbing pain/fire. Just a little thought for your day. Also Great Reaction and keep up enjoying anime :)


Blackbeard is interesting villain. He is spitting facts and just doing his own things without any care of anything else.


nice catch w luffy and ace having the same mindset when it comes to regrets 👍


Why does Buggy seem familiar? I would Mr Satan from DBZ is quite similar ...... or Usopp >_>


Counting the days till you guys get to Marineford. Wont even need coffee its so intense + hype


When you called people cheep or what ever because of there powers, just remember luffy has the cheeps.


Magellan also can take a hit really well from what I remember cause he’s not a logia he’s used to it.

David Lohnicky

Blackbeard appears and CS (comment section) lack his laugh ?!? let me show y'all ZEHAHAHA !!!

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Speaking of hypocricy, just to play devil's advocate Luffy is letting out some really heinous criminals that are probably gonna end up killing and hurting a lot of people when they get out. The Governemnt has some bad people but the pepole in general feel protected by them and they have good people too, similar to the pirates except being real the pirates probably have more bad people than good you guys are just seeing some of the good ones. This isn't to say that the Government is in the right it's just to say that Luffy isn't really either. It's not black and white, it's grey.


I used to think the same way but when I found out that the government in one piece are just lap dogs for the Celestial Dragons, the government became a evil organisation for me not just a corrupted one. A organisation that needed to be destroyed and revolutionised. It doesn't matter if many of the marines are good people, the core base of the world government is rotten, it need to be uprooted and start anew.


Without exception most of the mooks, that make up like 99% of the Navy, are "good guys". It's only some exceptions at middle management (Captain Morgan arguably got fucked over by Jango brainwashing him, which prolly fucked his personality beyond recovery as to what we saw in like E2-3) and most at top management who are fuckbois (w/ exceptions, of course)