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spider so what episode 13 uncut

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I feel like demon lord and spider mc fighting in the intronis intentionally put their to throw us off. And mc is indeed loli demon lord.


It was not machinas, it was machinations. a plot or a scheme. Sounds like the Church used the Hero. Sound like a different anime with a shield. :D Well Filimos, or known as the teacher Oka-san, would not like to kill her own student. She travels around and tries to find her students.

Jerid Glasspoole

'Is this going like slime.. and they need 10,000 souls to become a True demon lord?' I don't know but it be crazy.


intro and outro is fucking hilarious, ya'll a comedian duo and that 75% that skip missing out


You tried and We are proud of you for trying to watch this episode! <3

Hunter De Lupin

The Arachne she talks about is like what YBRL said. If you watched Monster Musume or Monster Girl Doctor, they both have an Arachne character, a female upper body with the rump of a spider.

Daniel Borrego

well we know what kind of world being x would send director nasty to :D :D :D


This episode was crazy. So much information thrown in this episode suddenly. Well now they threw out my idea of spider being the demon lord as the opening spoiled that idea from me. I think Mother Spider will be one her minds, so only 2 minds will come back and one will control the Mother Spider or actually be that spider. But is the demon lord that mother spider in future? There is so much stuff...can the actual author even keep things in control as she/he is throwing so much stuff to the story.


She had no problem doing what she did to my boy Hugo tho :/


Spider MC hacking her way to victory.


Not necessarily. Do you remember the first opening where it showed our spider along with 3 others like her? Until they unveiled her multiple minds ability we thought that they were other spiders that she recruited. So too it may be the case with this opening. The battle we see unfolding may be taking place in her mind, and the ones fighting could be the two halves of herself: the selfish half that just wants a easy and peaceful life and will eat anything and kill anyone she needs to to get it, and the half who wants to use her Taboo knowledge to save the world.

John A.

The Leader Elf warned Shun to not allow the Pope to use him in his machinations during the meeting, meaning his plots, plans, and hidden agenda.


I have to admit... the name "Waba" is growing on me. Sorry i fell behind on the reactions boys. Been a bit busy. But I'm here for it now and I'm catching up TODAY!

Iejir Isk

We juMpinG into SpidErs you say? Also, didn't like him before for a number of reasons... but no. now Hugo need to be gone.


The rest of this season is gonna be hard on DN.