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I gotta say. These kdrama updates are for Kdrama fans. If your not a fan of that. Theres no point in reading and being disappointed. Also your missing out on information to understand context.

Just letting you know since i saw Vigilante recommended . A lot of new shows likely wont get covered if i dont post the older they become.

Its the reason shows like Marry My Husband and Twinkling junp the line. It’s BASICALLY now or never.

The reason is there is constant content coming out and the YouTube side of things needs me to focus on what the Trend is.

This is not relevant to many of you and some get annoyed when I talk about. And thats totally understandable.

Every decision i make like this is generally measured by trial and error.

A large portion of traffic is aquired by matching the video to what users are searching and once they are no longer searching for a show according to my YouTube analytics tool provided by Youtube and Vidiq. It doesnt make sense to record, edit, and post.

But certainly great to watch on my own. (If i find time, i normally find something like this to do on my free time. (Research).

Timeless shows like Goblin and Strong Woman Bong Soon have loyal followers and i rely on that especially when there is a lack of current hype shows.

I do the same with anime but i have generally run out of “timesless” anime that makes sense to post but we have plenty of Kdramas yet to cover from what i read.

Healer, Happiness, Mouse(… maybe. I dunno 20 episodes though! Lol. )




If we are talking timeless shows, y'all would enjoy Healer, Signal and Misaeng. I'll check out these newer shows, but maybe a movie in between the shows would make sense. Last heat I've been catching up on is blood hounds and moving but I see y'all got it covered already


And Tunnel too! OCN really has good thriller and crime kdramas


I think you'd like weightlifting Fairy or our beloved summer.

J Man

Throwing out While You Were Sleeping. For more crazy and smart time and crime magic