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Yamauchi was ready to crash out


Kai Lee

Helldivers 2 Pt 2 when?


Yamacoochie got what was coming to him

Soul Pirate Ruichi

Thoroughly enjoyed this episode, it was hilarious



Kai Lee

They fixed it with an update supposedly. I’m EU so it’s different but I’ve been able to get in every time until US come back from work/school.


Lupa’s school shooter joke had me crying 😂


HOF crash out nigga tried to hit bro with a chair 😭


I can't deal with y'all. This episode was hilarious and y'all jokes did not help 😂


For those who still might be confused about the voting system: 3 praise and 3 criticism votes for your class and then 1 praise vote for someone from another class


Koji just needs a loyal pawn in class A and bro would have a pawn in every class. He’s really the goat 1. Exposed Hirata weakness (can’t sacrifice others) 2. Save babe from dating the president 3. Help Suzune become a better leader 4. Continuing his plan to expel Kushida (ruined her reputation a little)

Pluto 900062

I like to think that all the postive A class points meant to go to the guy that got kicked out went to koji instead since homegirl still wants to keep him in the game a little bit longer.

Ryan Ryan

I need to defend my boy Hirata a bit since they left some stuff out so here we go😭 First of all in regards with his mindset for the exam it’s not really that ridiculous to think of bcs that would align a bit with what class B would have done if they didn’t have the 20M (they would have done a lottery to decide it in a way with equal chances) That’s basically what Hirata wanted he wanted an equal and natural procedure to all this instead of this whole war going on in the classroom of everybody trying to pile each other against some students. That’s why he also said what’s wrong with not having a plan, bcs to him this shit just needed to happen naturally with no gangs forming and whoever had to go just had to go and that’s it. I personally fw Horikita’s logic but I can understand where he comes from. Also the day after he got into rage mode (the day of the vote) he actually made another speech before the vote began to apologize for his behavior that day and that he wanted the class to give him negative votes instead so he can sacrifice himself. It didn’t work in the end bcs Karuizawa sent a text msg to everybody except Hirata and Yamauchi beforehand to tell them that she believes Hirata would do some crazy shit and to not get into it and still believe in him despite all that. After all that he ended up having the 2nd most votes like the anime showed us bcs he earned everybody’s trust this year. Also this will probably get cleared up next episode but there is more to why Ayanokoji has the most votes bcs like we saw the majority of his class was shocked by the result, so it’s not like they all voted for him to be first place.


Sayonara 🥱


Honestly although to an anime only this anime is good. As an LN reader they butchered this anime. But this ep is probably one of the top ones this season


It’s not 4 praise votes all together. They have 3 praise votes, but 2 of those votes have to be used for classmates, while the 3rd goes to someone in a different class.


So this is what Sakayanagi said, right? Cause those clown shoes she handed to Yamauchi were definitely for what he did in episode one.

JJ Gilmore

So Ayanokouji gotten first place because people from different classes gave him a positive point aka Ichinose from class B, Sakayanagi from from Class A and I believe Katsuragi from class A the bold headed guy gave him one as well


Oh for sure. But my comment was actually a reference to the anime and game series Danganronpa cuz this arc was basically like a big ass class trial from the series

Ryan Ryan

I just recently started reading it bcs the anime kinda annoyed me on that aspect… but yeah this episode was deff a good one I thought they would totally butcher the Class B and D situation but it was actually decent 👌🏾

Ryan Ryan

No he is right it is 4 praise votes. 3 for your class and 1 for someone in another class.


This explains what they skipped from the LN perfectly, they really tried to butcher my boy Hirata when realistically he had a sound argument as well even though I also agree with Horikitas

Devin B

It's fine to try and save everyone but if you have no plan going into the exam then like Suzune said last episode there's a chance someone capable would be accidently expelled. Plus like the teacher said sometimes you have to know when to cut someone loose and even in the real world you have to cut off the weakest link before it becomes a problem.


This dude - I'm so happy he gone 😂 - Also mad this other guy was #2 with popular votes with his friendly ass


Not Lupa with the Shooter reanimating - I almost died I laughed so hard


it is in fact, one separate positive vote for another class. the anime didn't do a great job of making sure that was clear. 3 + in class, 3 - in class, and 1 + outside of class


Kiyo sitting in the back like "Bum ass must've forgot I'm the main character:


they will cover this aspect more next episode but you're almost entirely correct

JJ Gilmore

Yeah hopefully they do. I remember that In the light novel there was a handful for of people from other classes that decided to give him a positive point but I can’t remember who did

Earphone Jack

Horikita stood her ground against Hirata and Ayanakoji came out on top with the most positive votes. MY GOATS! I absolutely LOVED Koenji this episode! He’s on his way to joining Ayanakoji and Horikita as my favorite characters! Hirata was horrible this episode. Like sir…


My favorite episode so far. Clowns getting packed up left and right, hirata was a hoe this episode almost putting himself at kushida level

Kyle Pacanowski

Yamauchi tripped Sakayanagi in one of this season's first episodes, which is why he is gone now. She is that petty.


the spoilers be going hard on this one. Obviously they're saving that for next episode. They literally ended with her texting him like


Yamagod did nothing wrong


Uncultured guy here... I always hear them quoting "Mr. Krabs", could someone please help me understand the reference here? lol.

Devin B

Idk if you guys remember but Hirata was close to having a breakdown like this back in season 1 when they were on the island and everyone in class D kept accusing the other of doing misdemeanor acts. He was probably thinking it wasn't fair that someone was sabotaging the group.

The Endless

“Koenji is a physical specimen” is a quote lmao😭

Dezmond Broadway

I'm pretty sure Class B & D voted for him positively since he helped them out.


You're close but not exactly, what happened I believe is that Sakayanagi sent the Class A Positive votes to Ayanokoji because she mentioned the "KING MUST REMAIN" to her she's playin chess with the entire school and Ayanokoji is her opposing king, and by controlling Yamaguchi to try and vote him out all their votes would be controlled and wasted in the process leaving no other potential attacks from Ayanokoji via the test should he made moves against their agreement to not attack each other, thats why yamaguchi was so sure he had protection with Class A positive votes because they DID go to class C but to Ayanokoji instead hence how he got #1 in positive votes,

Saucy Jonathan

Smoking that yamamid pack he really thought he could go up against my glorious king 🙏🏻😆


This episode is a minor example of the process of Election Rigging, Also an example of when a cocky nerd tries to swing on the most arrogant jock in the room, also you guys misunderstood the transactions: how Ayanokoji got number 1 positive votes was Sakayanagi sent the Class a votes to him and NOT yamaguchi, all the class B positive votes went to Ryuen to cancel out all his negative votes from Class D for the price of 4 mill points to save whoever from Class B


bruh is THAT why she picked him??? that's fucking hilarious and yet appropriate for another student related to the white room, like Ayanokoji she also she's people as tools, in Sakayanagi's case she see's people as chess pieces


Y’all are severely misunderstanding various plot points in this episode but Im too tired to type it all out

zILovePelmeni _

yamagod to yamagone real quick

Kevin Kovacs

I feel the same way but I'm sure somebody is gonna correct them (in time).


Hirata issue wasnt about anything other than his leadership was threatened and he realized shes looking better than him right now Also Sakayanagi plan was for Yamaguchi to be exposed and to be voted out for tripping her earlier in the season

Kevin Kovacs

I was thinking as well that it's Sakayanagi probably after she said let's keep the "king" in the game.

Ryan Ryan

Yeah idk why everybody is being stupid and spoiling that shit when it’s obviously gonna be revealed next episode. Just let them see for themselves damn…

Ryan Ryan

Class B all voted for Ryuen and Class D wasn’t in on anything except Ichizaki and Ibuki

Ryan Ryan

This was gonna be explained next episode so there is actually no reason to spoil it like that…

Ryan Ryan

In their defense the anime does leave some stuff out but yeah they still misunderstand a lot of shit, but it is what it is.

Ryan Ryan

Yeah no that Hirata take is an L that was not the issue at all. And the Sakayanagi statement is a spoiler since it was gonna be explained next episode…

Yolo Samurai

well, its technically not a spoiler when you read between the lines. Its not difficult.


Sit down so I can tell you to get up 😂


Koenji is All Might if he didn't give a damn about anyone 😂


Its honestly what I like about this channel, cause they are like me in a way cause even when I’m paying attention to a show I miss some key points and only realize them when I rewatch it, plus u can’t really blame them I too would be confused if I was watching like 10 shows at the same time per week


Deleted from existence 😂


Craziest part in all this is Ayanokoji now has Class D, C, and B in his pocket, because without him non of that would of happened, insane a plot to get him expelled got him insane sway in most of his class year.


Yo Lupa at 2:20 has me crying in tears😭🤣🤣

Random Guy

Don't trust people who ask you to betray others... they're gonna dump your corpse by the side of the road. I actually thought that It would be Ichinose's classroom who'd give ayanokoji his positive points but now it seems to be looking like it was actually Sakayanagi being true to her word and not letting him get kicked out maybe?