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crazy season finale



Both Barry’s and Sally’s story lines were the same this season. Both had a moment of self-awareness: barry realizes that he’s been emotionally conditioned to kill and Sally realizes that she’s not as strong and empowered as she’s deluded herself to be. They both try to change throughout the season and DO make progress, but ultimately regress even more.


Where is blue eye samurai 😭😭


Patiently waiting for the bear upload 🙏🏻

Kumi Chan

Wheres Barry Allen at?

Culdesac Jadoni

Sheera really gets this shit man lmaoo

Culdesac Jadoni

Season 3 is my favorite season by far


Crystal ball 🔮

Renni .

w, sheera for mentioning the themes in this episode


It sucks Barry ended up killing a lot of the guys he trained. They definitely still respected him for what he did.


Pretty sure the bullet on Esther's body is the bullet casing of it after Barry used it; that makes the most thematic sense. Esther was the first person Barry was supposed to kill this season but hadn't initially because he wanted to change. And in the last episode, Esther ends up being the first person he kills this season and undoing all the progress he made. How did the bullet casing conveniently end up on her body? Don't question it.


What's crazy is until this point, Barry hadn't killed anyone. The entire season he was doing his best.


I forgot how good this episode was


So her Ex was right about her in the end

Tejiri Ubiedi

"My uncle burned down my house while my mom was inside-" YEAH BITCH?!!?! AND YOURE TALKING ABOUT A FUCKING HORSE?!?!

Hasnain Khan


John Cedar

It's those little throwaway lines as they're about to switch focus to another character that are so easy to miss and some of the funniest shit in the show

John FD Lobrano

The reception of Sally's performance really harks back to what Fuches said to Barry in the clothes store: "People don't want the truth. They want entertainment."

John Cedar

Mayrbek was like a golden retriever that Barry trained, he looked up to that man so much. I swear he would have taken orders from him at any time and die for him and Barry wasn't even lucid when he killed him. You can tell he legitimately detached from reality during that whole shootout.

John Cedar

I think in an interview Bill Hader said that Barry was so volatile here that after Sally slapped him on stage and his mood switched, he was legitimately in a violent state and would've choked her for real if they did the scene as planned. Just a reminder of who our main character really is.

Oni Legend

You know….i try not to be negative and pray on peoples downfalls or anything But when i say i wish on EVERYTHING that y’all had seen this shit live when it came out just so that y’all could’ve felt the absolute PAIN of waiting for any news of a next season after this cliffhanger. Like niggas was feinin over some news about a season 3


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is what happened. IIRC Hank asked Barry for the bullet back a few episodes ago and he never got it back. It was most likely the first round in the magazine.

rickie woodson

"you know in america, esther is a woman's name".............BISH! #dead

rickie woodson

yall seriously havent picked up on that 1. hank is gay and 2. he's clearly in love with cristobal????????? #totesobvi

Colby Hicks

season 3 next week?

Roxy Rezerina

Sheera is ON IT this episode

Michael Blake

Not sure if you all noticed this or not, but a key part of this episode is the Chechen hitmen. Don't forget they legitimately love Barry. Especially the last nigga he killed. So, that's why when they saw Fuches they helped him get away. To them it's just "Oh shit Barry's mentor needs help, we like Barry so let's help him. Thats why Barry looked at the guy's body like that at the end. He realized he killed a nigga who really liked him because of his rage. If he had just told ol boy what was going on they woulda hunted Fuches ass down that night I promise you.

rickie woodson

gene was in shock the whole time, ever since seeing janice's body. thats why he didnt really remember hearing what fuches said. he was dissociating at the time, so it didnt register til the end when he fully reconciled with janice's passing. solid ending. great set up for season 3: barry after fuches, noho hank dealing with batir, detective cousineau on the case. LETS GOOOOOOO

Jake Coulter

Welp from here on out the show gets much darker with sprinkles of comedy lol. Glad yall love the show


Barry: "Tell Cousineau people really can change!" Also Barry: *Repeats Koringal by killing his students in a frenzy while they weren't even fighting back.* You could see how awful he felt when he snapped out of it. Perhaps Barry can't change his violent nature. At least Cousineau is changing and getting closer to his son.


Now keep all those open ended issues/cliffhangers in mind and imagine having to wait 3 years between seasons 2 and 3 due to the COVID shutdown. 🥲 Having said that, the wait was definitely worth it for this fantastic little series that really came out of nowhere for me.

Jamaal Ellison

Barry had that 10th Doctor fury of a timelord energy killing everyone in the third act.


It’s hard for me to feel bad for Barry tbh bc at the end of the day he killed Janice and could have prevented this whole mess by not hesitating to kill the first guy he needed to. Could have had his acting stuff too but Barry was sloppy from the jump 🤷🏾‍♀️ Barry is a violent individual that honestly deserves nothing despite wanting to be better

General Grevious

It sucks that all those guys loved Barry and he just mowed them all down with no hesitation😭


Sheera was totally on point thie episode. It sucks that Barry went through what he did. He already went total psychopath and that's on him.


frrr, the smile when the last guy sees him right before gettin shot breaks my heart 😔


I need to know where lupa got that shirt from

Alexis Sullivan

Barry can't even try to gaslight Cousineau cuz all Cousineau has to do is ask Barry one simple question that Barry is not gonna be able to answer "how did you know where we were?" When Cousineau called him all he said was "a private detective wants to take a look at the area". Then they wondered around and Fuches put on this whole show of making it look like they stumbled onto the car so how did Barry immediately show up right at the car when neither one of them called him after they "found the car". Yea Barry is cooked. By showing up there he basically told on himself to Cousineau even if he can't prove it

Nate D.

Did cousineau know him as berry block or what?


But that whole situation from the jump was stupid lol he is task to kill and assassinate bad people the first guy wasn’t bad in any shape way or form lol, it was fuches fault for setting up The job in the first place he even knew the Chechen are crazy


Esther saw the light of Jesus Christ (although she got his name wrong and called him Lululemon tracksuit) before ending up on the river Styx😂


I think Sally changed the script cause Barry got an audition for a movie and she only got a small part in a show, she showed she was jealous of him last episode and backstabbed him.


No lol she literally just explained why she did that because she was embarrassed to reveal the truth to the Audience so she reverted back to lying so she would avoid being scrutinised.


You're wrong, using people to serve her selfish interests is what she always does. Barry was "stealing" her moment and she saw that Barry got more attention than her in her own play. She backstabbed Barry so the attention gets put on her instead. That's literally her WHOLE character arc, she only felt bad after she did it just like last episode when she told Barry she was happy for him that he got a part in a movie but she was also jealous asf. She got abused and she became an abuser herself.

Culdesac Jadoni

Nah, this whole season was about Barry and Sally wrestling with being their true selves. Her changing at the last minute was her way of showing that she wasn’t ready to be honest. She panicked and went on with the lie because of the lack of confidence in herself and not wanting to seem weak in front of the public

Michael Blake

How was her ex right. That nigga is a piece of shit through and through. She changed it last minute because she was still afraid to tell the truth.


Regardless of why she changed it. She changed it to make herself look good, to be the hero of her own story. Which is about the last thing he said to her before she left.

Culdesac Jadoni

Ive seen this show like 10 times, the point stands. This specific instance was spelled out by Sally in the lobby talking to her agent


It's easy for me to feel bad for him cause the mf never wanted to be a killer. He's trying to be different only now because he didn't know he had the option to before. Yeah there's alot he could have done to avoid it spiraling out of control like this, but that doesn't make it any harder to truly feel bad for him and want to believe he doesn't have to be a murderer

Oni Legend

My brother in christ she LITERALLY explains why she did it right afterwards to her agent. And it’s backed up even more because the whole time before they did the scene she was clearly nervous and anxious as fuck and asking Barry if they should do it and if its a good idea. What you said makes no sense because it wouldn’t explain why she still tried to practice the choke with Barry right beforehand and even slapped him What she does in season 3 is backed up by this because it shows that she’ll lie and delude herself and others in the heat of the moment when she’s scared about how she’s being seen. Not that she’s so petty and vindictive about Barry’s role, she intentionally changed the script


Just cause a character explains shit in their way doesnt mean thats whats going on. Are you new to storytelling or something? From day 1 she doesnt give a fuck about her other classmates and she keeps saying she's "the best actress" there. She even stole macbeth's role from barry in S1 so SHE could be the star. Same shit happened in S2 with Barry stealing her shine and her fucking up his part so SHE ONCE AGAIN gets to be the star. She's narcissistic and season 3 shows it even more. Y'all mfs think she wasnt the most hated character in this show for that very reason? Y'all funny asf..


@oni legend Brodie just straight yapping 🤣🤣🤣


Not my fault y'all dumb asf and make me type as much as i should.


She switched it back not because she wanted to tell the heroic story but because she was scared to tell the true story. Important distinction, imo.


@DxShadow Nah, S2 is all about both Barry and Sally gaining some self-awareness, trying to self-improve, doing the work, but failing and regressing by the end. Like, she even pushed for her classmates to perform with her. She simply caved under the pressure after she saw the size of the theater, seeing her agent's nervous uncertainty, and Barry clearly not focusing right before the performance. This was a do or die moment for her character and now she's going to pay for it.


Dx, I see where you're coming from based on Sally's jealousy of Barry in the past (which she admitted to at the time), but there's a bit more going on here. At this point in the story we've learned more about who Sally really is. On the surface, yes she's super self-involved and deluded, but we eventually learn that that's all masking a deep insecurity and shame for her past. Her greatest fear is being viewed as weak, and at the last second, she buckled under the pressure. Barry was the last thing on her mind in that moment (dang we're all writing essays 🤣)

Jaelyn Mcgee

Bill Hader said that if Sally hadn't changed the scene last minute, Barry would have choked her to death in front of God and everyone, because the slap set him off so badly


Sally is a liar at the end of the day and a terrible entitled victim praying on the sympathy she'll get from others SMH


You are way off. Even as the show continues she struggles to reconcile with who she is and how she is a victim and how ashamed she is by it. It’s literally her entire arc throughout the show. Yes she was jealous of Barry but she is more embarrassed with herself and this fake image she put out of herself trying to convince people she is a strong independent woman.


His rage made him black out and he destroyed all that work he did throughout the season to be a better person. A real tragic figure


Barry walking back into the darkness at the end after the flickering end just turned off is just great symbolism. The writers of this show were really in their bags (including Hader himself of course). Fantastic writing. Im remember as this was airing, people complained about how the show was barely a comedy anymore which I thought was fine. It still had plenty of comedic moments but it became about so much more by the end of it.


Nah bro if Fuches aint dead by the end of this series its an L.


Terminator Barry was so locked in for a second I thought he was gonna shoot the driver and flip the car spartan rage Barry is no joke 😐. I actually think Sasha's story is interesting just like Jermaine maybe she'll become a client of the one Mike who enjoyed it. I believe Barry had the special bullet the whole time he never shot the gun once since loading it which means mission achieved he really is built for this that's the only thing I can't knock fuches for saying man got that demon in him.


Poor mayrbeck got stunlocked and capped but I gotta say the way Cristobal in the beginning after Barry blasted Esther was steppin had me rolling he dipped like a cartoon character 😭.


Yep Fuches dead to me


Yes, everyone in the acting class knows him as Berkman and Block. The poster in Cousineau's cabin even says Barry Block.