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Narrator was the main character today



Are we getting Apothecary Diaries today?


Baki time


holy fuck dude just show us the fight without the yapping

Hasnain Khan


jorel quieta

I dont know if this is against the rule but man i wish you guys can react to hajime no ippo. Its a really old anime so its a really really long shot but the anime is crazy good.🫣


Yeah we gotta record that tonight, sorry for the delay lol we’ve had a guest with us for a bit so throwing some things out of whack

One & Only

This show does a lot of yapping


Baki vs HxH Narrator, who wins?


its funny u called it "bakido" because the way you said it is the same way as the next manga is called (Baki-Dou)


They actually aren't wrong about the bullet shit there have been cases where bullets were deflected by objects hitting the side

Charlie baker

Welcome to baki the god of exposition lmao, the funny part is this is all in the manga its not filling for time 🤣

Aaron Gauntt

Imagine you lose a fight and the guy goes to your house and pisses on your couch

Dues Montana

most of baki is explaining techniques or fights they’ll literally explain to you a punch to the face also what baki did when pickle rushed him is basically what jack did and is actually real life if you change the trajectory of something even by a inch can cause said person or thing damage


That whole getting hit in balls explanation was unnecessary why did they do that bro WTF 😂

danial javady

"Throughout impregnation and ejaculation, I alone am The Born One." I saw this in a tiktok made by a wiseman. So what they're saying makes sense.

Berts Tv

Yeah i skipped most of this episode.

danial javady

LMAO the commentary at the end has me weak


I mean in the end martial arts is self defense so that move definitely comes up in real scenarios


I hope that after Baki, you guys would try kengan ashura. A hidden gem anime


Pickle got hit in the balls so hard that it put his fight or flight response on Spin Cycle.


Hidden gem? Kengan ashura? Cmon man u gotta know that's a lie. Hidden gems are things like land of the lustrous, higurashi etc. Stuff unknown to most ppl with a small cult following. Kengan is way too popular to be called that tbh. Especially when the fan base is constantly comparing it to baki. Mention baki online anywhere and 99% of the time a kengan ashura fan is gonna spawn in to tell you that kengan is 'a better baki' and that it has better fights or that the cgi is better (even tho its still awful).


I love how Baki tries to be deep with everything but it just ends up being goofy 😂


That final strike to the balls makes me want to throw up every time. Fuck this show 😭😭😭

Bob Heath

The old man asking why getting hit in the balls hurt is wild

Alexis Sullivan

The over explanation and exposition in this show is ridiculous. Honestly Baki being able to hurt Pickle is also ridiculous bullshit to me too

Devin B

In terms of consistency HxH because they're not constantly narrating and/or using cutaway to explain every moment in the fight


I'm genuinely surprised that they haven't caught on to the creators piss fetish yet

Chef MellowD

Lupa u missed a “ Fffflooat like a buttaflai”


Yes! You finally get it. Baki funny as fuck. No other show is going to explain you the philosophy of getting hit in the balls.


I would be completely ok if you guys drop this for something else But if you guys are enjoying it then hey i won’t complain.


This episode was nuts

Yuuki Sonzaishinai

Lupas face after roshi said "ive done this before" had me crying laughing


I refuse to believe the show isn’t mocking us with the over-explaining. How tf you gonna explain the explanation????

Shawn Oxley

This show is so fucking ridiculous i love it


A guy will sneeze during a fight then next thing you know a mf will narrate the science behind it, why????


"AOArlert, who doesn't care for excess exposition, had this to say after the episode:"


C'mon man, I was good the whole episode until Roshi hit me with that "EW" during Pickle's grimace. Had me do a spit take with my coffee!


this mf narrator is somehow more annoying than the HxH one lmao


okay listen, i love you for including my favorite work of fiction, land of the lustrous, however, i think kengan ashura is a hidden gem because its not talked about very much only in small circles just like land of the lustrous, same as when people talk about how bad cgi animes are and fans of land of the lustrous immedietly jump to show them how good it can be, kengan ashura fans do the same when people like baki, i think both of them are hiddem gems (higarashi is also great but i wouldnt say its on the same level as those 2) also yes i think them watching kengan ashura would work very well im certain they'll enjoy it

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I'm not gonna lie, I eat those expositions up. I love how ridiculous they are.


ngl I usually love Baki but this episode was straight ass


Baki beat the strongest ancient man with the ultimate move "side step" and the side step king himself Roshi didn't even comment. This episode was dedicated to basically saying the side step is the ultimate move.


Ngl this is the first ep of this I watched and this dude just peed in front of a bunch of niggas 💀 what is the plot exactly 😭


I am a megazord lol